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Postby mr jenzie » Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:41 pm

as per my request thread, what will be an everlasting and ongoing superramble ..... or one of the best stories ever written that disney can pay me for :mrgreen:

as for the format, i tried something newer and simpler in it's presentation, and first off there's no center option so that's out the window :?
basically having a set number of parts (eight CHAPTERS to each BOOK) and at least a couple of chapters every month, since i have plenty else to be getting on with.

ANY comments are welcome, whether they are good, or bad, or asking why in the great blue yonder are you embarking on such and crazy eights odyssey???

and now, sit back, have a nice warm beverage beside you, and a very open mind :mrgreen: i present to you .....




a wall of thorns.

As the ruined castle rises in the distance, with it's ghastly brazen light atop spitting out lightning bolts from atop, PRINCE PHILLIP rides his steed almost into the ground. Knowing full well the consequences of stopping, as rider pulls the reigns sideways to avoid another searing bolt, he looks back and raises the SWORD OF TRUTH, damning the evil that flies in the face of his reason. His horse snorts as the spiky thorns approaches, and he turns and looks at the oncoming wall of nature, and knows what to do.

The wind begins to pick up.

Bringing the SHIELD OF VIRTUE up to cover himself as he drives the sword forward to extend in size and length, PHILLIP thinks that the fairies did a good job of giving him these powers of truth and all that, as the three of them battle and spark with their own ferocious power combating the lightning from the distance away. PHILLIP draws in his breath and holds it, so determined to run straight into the approaching forest as horse and rider barrel towards it's fate. The sword glows white hot and the shield feels far too heavy to hold, but PHILLIP is steadfast and true …..

the wind blows stronger.

they crash into the forest of thorns and surprisingly sear through it with ease, creating a pathway through, all along with thunderbolts keep reigning down on them. PHILLIP looks up and sees the castle up ahead, being torn away from the blight of the constant forest, and into the clear starry sky. But then the lightning bolts stop, the fairies warn PHILLIP not to stop, and the castle behind them is no longer bathed in eerie green. Continuing through the thorns they race to their objective as it suddenly looms into view clearing the forest, a magnificent structure stands alone on the horizon, as the bridge that connects castle and kingdom is in his sights.

The wind howls into a gale.

PHILLIP dismounts as the fairies gather round him, flittering at his shoulders as they look up and to the sight beholden, a ghostly mist-like figure serenely floating across the sky with lightning echoing around it, as it flies above them and settles down in the last barrier of thorns across the castle entranceway, then forms into the shape of their oppressor. The great witch MALIFICENT stands firm and burns the thorns green.

the wind screams at her.

MALIFICENT defies them and raises her cane into the air, it crackles with evil energy turning the air electric, and the impossible happens. Now all PHILLIP and the fairies need to do is destroy this DRAGON MALIFICENT that stands in the way, he doesn't hesitate and drives his mount forward across the bridge, DRAGON MALIFICENT grins and sends a huge burst of dragon flame at the centre of the bridge. It shatters it into pieces and sends it all flying in directions, PHILLIP brings the shield back up to protect himself from the shrapnel. They ping off the metal with sparks aplenty, as horse and rider gallop toward almost certain doom, the gap in the bridge ever growing closer, but they jump the space as PHILLIP glances down at the blackness below. Unfortunately even this great steed can't jump this length and as it starts to fall short, the fairies realise and shoot their magic at it, suddenly PHILLIP'S face is going from sheer terror to slightly less terror.

With a sound of hoofs onto stone PHILLIP and horse land on the other side, but can't celebrate yet as DRAGON MALIFICENT shoots green flame at PHILLIP, barely bringing up the SHIELD OF VIRTUE up to block the deadly fire. He peers round it and looks into the eyes of the creature, it's nostrils flaring and it's ghoulish tongue licking between it's very sharp teeth, PHILLIP knows time is of the essence as the fairies fly to his sword and fire their magic onto it. But this wind is now a storm unlike he's felt, picking up dirt and dust and pebbles and thorns and everything else that's not tied down, even DRAGON MALIFICENT has trouble keeping her giant clawed feet on the ground as she balances herself with those really big wings of hers. The SWORD OF TRUTH is now fully magicked up and PHILLIP jumps off his mount and prepares to throw it deep into the heart of this monster …..

now SWORD OF TRUTH fly swift and true, that evil die and good endure …..



a magnificent burst of light emanates from high above in the night sky, way beyond even the sky and that is what causes everyone to stop and look up, men and horse and dragon and fairies. And this storm force wind is still getting stronger as something approaches, a great wave of something is racing towards where they are, well it approaches where everyone and everything is. This is enough for DRAGON MALIFICENT and suddenly decides that this is not the place to be, and driving her mighty wings a few times she lifts off and starts ascending into the night sky trying to get as far away from whatever is coming.

That's also the case for PHILLIP as he snaps out of his gazing and jumps onto his horse, he grips the reigns and demands the steed ride towards what was his objective and stampedes into the castle entrance, sensibly the fairies all decide that this is a good idea too and fly as fast behind him. They also decide to protect themselves and PHILLIP and create a protective bubble spell to surround themselves, and just in time too as the great wave crashes through the air and envelopes everything in sight, it blows trees and bushes and buildings and bridges and castles and everything down with an earth shattering scream ….. as if millions of voices cried out …..

it barely registered to PHILLIP that he was lying on the ground, covered in all sorts of debris, a few thorn vines a few pebbles some dirt. But what he can't register is where he is, he jolts up and looks around and thanks himself for it still being night time, but then out of the corner of his eye sees a form. He scrambles in the dirt and finds the SWORD OF TRUTH and desperately stands up with it in hand, and sees something formidable in front some meters ahead of him ….. MALIFICENT? With nerve endings already at their breaking point he takes one step towards the witch who almost took everything away from him, but in the ether another voice calls out to him, and demands what he is doing!

PHILLIP, are you alright?

It is a familiar voice.

it is such a familiar voice.

PHILLIP stops suddenly not even beginning to comprehend.

PHILLIP! What in the kingdom of the three are you doing?

his mind is all over the place, tries to will himself to skewer MALIFICENT but somehow he can't move his leg forward. Then he relaxes as a familiar hand is placed on his shoulder and all a sudden his mind goes blank, and slowly turns himself around shakily, and makes eyes contact with his one true love. A golden haired beauty who is apparently awake and standing right there, right there in front of him in a blue dress that seems so familiar, and some fairies fluttering on her shoulder. He is about to utter something when his steed clunks him on the head and whinnies, PHILLIP winces in pain.


He looks directly into PRINCESS AURORA'S eyes and stares into their soulful pools, he can't leave them but something is tugging at him, she smiles at him warmly.

you may be a great husband but as MALIFICENT said, not such a great horseman!

and I thought you were the kingdom's greatest rider?

he again reacts by bringing the sword up, his stance shaky but growing in strength, even the fairies are not sure if to do anything..

it's okay PHILLIP ….. she's not our enemy anymore!

Staggered by this statement PHILLIP steps back but that nagging tugging is still there, his poor brain simply cannot comprehend anything at this moment, and yet that annoying tugging persists as He swats it away.

hey! I thought you were on our side?

PHILLIP turns and looks to see where this strange exclamation is coming from his eyes cannot believe what is in front of him. For there stands what looks like a rather sizeable duck, a lankly looking creature with a long snout and floppy ears, and what appears to be a giant round eared mouse! All three are apparently dressed in the outfits of the royal guard, his horse whinnies again.

it's alright PHILLIP, this is where we are, the KINGDOM OF THE THREE. Everything is fine, apart from you falling off, but don't fret my dear as the fairies explained everything to us.

PRINCESS AURORA goes up to him and hugs him, she leans in further and gives him a gentle kiss, and whispers in his ear.

fall of your horse again, and we won't be married anymore!

Then playfully pushes him in the shoulder as she laughs, the three strange creates also laugh and move away, but it's MALIFICENT who stands there stoic. PHILLIP turns to her still with sword in hand but very limply. He tries to say something but MALIFICENT suddenly takes the sword into her hands.

i'll take this ….. after all, I can't have anyone swinging this about, I will put this in a safe place while you recover, along with the SHIELD OF VIRTUE.

Then unbelievably she presents it to the fairies who take it from her, then they flutter away with it into the castle.

you must realise PHILLIP, this world has changed and is very different from the one you inhabited before, I will try to explain it to you but will let you recover from the obvious shock. And anyway my prince, my days of trying to kill your wife the PRINCESS AURORA BRIAR ROSE are over!

and as his former enemy leads away the totally bemused PRINCE PHILLIP, AURORA looks on and smiles watching them walk into the castle, and looks up to the sky …..

….. at the MAELSTROM above that spins without sound and effect, and it's companion, a small barely made out shape that glitters golden like a seminal diamond in the sky …..

….. and an indecipherable glint of something flicks in her eyes!
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mr jenzie
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Postby mr jenzie » Fri Aug 19, 2016 4:48 pm

now then, since you were all good little boys and girls and gave this BRILLIANT story more that 50 views ..... give yourselves a good old pat on the back :P ..... here be the second chapter.

now since i am going carte blanche on who i use from the disney universe, i did think about it being here, but i'll keep quiet about that until the big bad wolf ie sheriff woody comes a-huffing and a-puffing :mrgreen: if there is no mention of who's in my story we'll be fine to continue!

also it's a MUCH longer read!

finally i've decided to add a chapter after this, since i already wrote chapter's four and five, with more shenanigans with mixing disney characters :lol:

see if you can spot who two of the characters are in this chapter :D



The vastness of space, nothing to see in any direction, just the stars that twinkle just out of reach and in complete silence. Then the stars begin to warp and their light starts to merge into one another, shortly turning blue and then white, and a great whoosh emanates from it's shape. Instantly the pirate ship the MILLENNIUM FALCON enters the realm, the engines scream as it readjusts to the new environment, and the colour in it's cockpit calms down from bright white to the dark of space ….. as the crew start to panic just a bit.

What the ..... we jumped into a meteor shower!

What's going on?


What? Where is is then?

No idea kid.

It's been destroyed ..... by the EMPIRE!

It would have to take a lot of ships to do .....

Suddenly the MILLENNIUM FALCON'S control panel starts beeping furiously as CHEWBACCA growls desperately.

Wait, there's another ship coming in.

The scream of a familiar sound goes over their heads, as a small TIE FIGHTER flies enters the cockpit view.

Did it follow us?

A short range imperial fighter.

There's no bases around here so where did it come from?

The TIE FIGHTER flies erratically to avoid any incoming fire but the MILLENNIUM FALCON holds steady.

Look at it go ..... it's heading for that small moon!

That's not a moon ..... that's a space station!

That can't be right, it's too big to be a .....

and as he finishes the line, a great wave of something smashes into the MILLENNIUM FALCON, bouncing the crew about in their seats. It settles down as they all look at each other, the TIE FIGHTER is less lucky as the buffeting destroys it's red and black right wing and tears it off completely! It then starts to fall away, towards the planet below, a planet that wasn't there before!

What the!

Whoa ..... anyone want to explain what THAT was? Did we get hit?

No, but we have to keep going.

The great wave races away from them and they watch as it amazingly reaches the space station but they do not notice the subtle changes it causes, then another warning light appears in the cockpit as the MILLENNIUM FALCON starts to strain against an invisible force.

Aww now the ship is caught in a tractor beam!

Then pull away from it!

The strain is now unbearable on the MILLENNIUM FALCON'S engines.

No way kid it's too strong to release ourselves from it, I'm shutting down!

You can't win, but there are alternatives to .....

Quietly he tails away as if he senses something quite out of the ordinary as LUKE notices.

What's wrong BEN?

I don't know LUKE, I don't know.

And as the MILLENNIUM FALCON'S engines shut down it's shuddering decreases to a steady vibration, it's crew very pensive it they look upon the now gathering expanse of grey in front of them.

What do we do now?

Simple kid, we hide!

The captain of the MILLENNIUM FALCON scrambles out of his seat and CHEWBACCA follows, both LUKE and BEN look back then turn to look at what is now entirely filling the cockpit.

BEN ..... I have a bad feeling about this!

So do I LUKE, so do I!

They leave their seats to join the others in the main corridor as HAN starts flicking switches on the wall and the floor suddenly pops up, LUKE looks on questionably.

Well, you can't smuggle anything without there being a space to smuggle in!

HAN SOLO lifts the panel off the compartment and they all climb in, CHEWBACCA gets complaints from the protocol droid C-P3O, he bumps him against the edge.

Oww watch what you are doing, I could have lost that!

Not the worse thing you could lose to a wookie!

He chuckles as the golden one gets stuck in the corner of the compartment, the other droid on board R2-D2 beeps nervously.

It'll be alright ..... I hope!

And as HAN SOLO closes the compartment panel with a click, the switch on the wall flips back to it's original position, unfortunately he fails to notice the other switch next to it is not ..... as the panel of the compartment next to theirs is ever so slightly ajar, and a pair of scared young eyes are seen.

I really hope I know what I'm doing!

The MILLENNIUM FALCON glides effortlessly into one of the great yawning caverns of just one of the DEATH STAR'S landing bays and settles on it's struts with a softy squeeze, all around it run STORM TROOPERS going to their designated places, and grey suited officers start to also find their place. But then another presence enters the space and all a sudden there is silence, he stares from his black mask intently at the ship.

There is no one on board and we've checked the logs, this is indeed the ship that blasted out of MOS EISLEY!

What about droids?

No sir, but several escape pods are missing.

Send the scanning crew aboard, make sure to cover the whole ship .....

The giant man in the black suit stops mid sentence, he moves his head slightly as if to focus on something.

Hmm, I am sensing something familiar, something I have not felt since .....

Trailing off again he is about to move away but stops, slowly turns back to the ship as the scanning crew enters it.

Something not right about this, not right about any of this!

Then he walks out of the landing bay, his cloak flaps in the breeze caused by his great shape walking, his thoughts are very mixed.

Meanwhile on the MILLENNIUM FALCON the scanning crew is silenced, two other storm troopers guarding the entrance go into the ship, but they are also silenced by blaster fire not heard from the outside. This makes the frightened girl still in the compartment jump!

Ohh I really hope I know what I'm doing!

In the dark she flicks on a small monitor, it lights up the space but not enough to alert anyone, and starts reading what it says.

Ahh, find a computer terminal and plug this in.

She pulls out a small plug and examines it, then places it back in it's slot, then hears that the crew have left the ship.

Don't worry little sis, I'm getting you and STITCH out of this place ..... unless I join you in a prison cell!

Then tucking the monitor into a pouch she slowly lifts the panel and looks out, relieved that no one is in sight, she slides it over and clambers out. Quietly replaces the panel but jumps again as the switch is once again back in it's place, she sighs and almost giggles but knows she has a very long way to go in all this so quietens herself, tip toeing to the ship's entrance NALI PELEKAI peeks out and sees only a few white suited guards. She slips out of the MILLENNIUM FALCON and runs towards a pile of crates near the wall, funnily enough there is what was described on the monitor, a computer terminal awaits as she takes the plug out and presses into the socket.

Just be patient NALI, let it do it's job as DOCTOR JUMBA instructed, and please don't let anyone catch me!

The monitor whirs silently gathering it's information from the computer memory, information scrolls down the screen as she looks around the crates, seeing no movement NALI PELEKAI returns to the screen.

Hmm, not this..... this..... there ..... aha! Gotcha!

The monitor stops as it's information is shown on screen, NALI PELEKAI gives herself a faint smile and lets the monitor stop everything, then pulls out the plug. She then spies a doorway and decides to slip out and find a more secure hiding place, almost sprints out from behind the crates and heads for the doorway, being very cautious not to alert anyone and heads down the corridor. Looking at the door labels she finds the one indicated on the monitor and opens it, slipping in and closing the door, no one the wiser to this completely strange character dressed in loose clothing.

Meanwhile two storm troopers are walking quite quickly down the corridor and into the turbo lift, they put down their weapons and take off the helmets, one has his hair slicked back and smooths it down …..

I hope all this is worth it, I mean, have you seen what that CAPTAIN PHASMA does to you? I mean cleaning out the trash compactor is one thing ..... and I thought you were bad!

The other trooper takes off his helmet to reveal a rather more embodied hairstyle.

These things play havoc with my 'fro dammit, I spent all morning on it!

VG-1954 smirks at him compatriot

And don't look at me like that, these guys couldn't make a helmet cool enough for my 'do!

It would have to be twice as big then!

JL-1948 stares at his partner.

Yeah yeah, let's see if this girl is worth it, he said this job was gonna be easy ….. oh hell the doors' about to open!

Both scramble to put their helmets back on and pick up their weapons, as the turbo lift door swings open, and they step into the prison block, one officer steps forward to check their codes.

Your security codes check out, they're older codes but they are still valid.

Both VG-1954 and JL-1948 look nervous under their helmets.

Requesting prisoner transfer from block one-one-three-nine!

Yes we got the transfer request in earlier so you are free to take the prisoners, I would securely shackle the small blue creature as he can be a hand full, it took three troopers to get that thing in the cell!

VG-1954 goes back to the turbo lift and returns with what looks like a giant cat carrier.

This small enough?

Alright, let them through ..... and make sure you don't let out the creature!

The officer let's them through and into the corridor where the cells are located, both eye each of the storm troopers as they walk past them, when they are near the cell they both stop.

Yeah yeah, very funny ..... VINCENT!

They reach the door and JL-1948 is about to press the door release, when next door swishes open and out walks a very black garbed imposing figure with a rather natty cross shaped weapon hanging from his belt, followed by a trooper and a spherical instrument with a very large needle on the side of it! JL-1948 watches them retreat down the corridor and out the detention level.

That big guy gives me the willies!

He presses the door release and look in, to see a most pitiful sight, lying on the hard bench is a girl with her long brown hair all scrunched up. She opens her eyes and looks at the two troopers.

Wh...where are you taking me now?

She sees VG-1954 carry in the cat carrier, and she lies back down with an even sadder look on her face, they take their helmets off to reassure her.

We're getting you outta here little girl ..... where's the oth .....

Suddenly from above STITCH crashes down on JL-1954 and messes with his hair, the small blue creature laughs and jumps down besides LILO.

That damn ..... HEY..... now stop that! Now I gotta fix this back to it's righteous state!

It's all right LILO, we're getting you and STITCH out of here and back home!

Huh? My sister?? NANI???

She's here to get you off this place ..... pity she's not taking us with you.

LILO PELEKAI jumps up excitedly and STITCH stops in his tracks and scampers behind her, VG-1954 kneels in front of her as JL-1948 closes the cell door.

But you have to play along, getting caught here might be the last thing we do! Now you'll have to be cuffed, and your little blue friend has to get into this carrier!

STITCH doesn't like that and grabs onto LILO PELEKAI tight, she looks around at him and reassures him ..... or her ..... or it.

It's okay, they're friends, and my big sis will get us home.

STITCH squeaks and eventually gets into the carrier, LILO PELEKAI looks happier than when she was found, JL-1948 looks at him scornfully.

If you had hair I'd mess it up ..... mess it up good.

STITCH playfully snaps his teeth at him.

All right, let's get this show on the .....

but before he can finish his sentence all hell breaks loose outside in the corridor, with dull thuds and shouting, the occupants in one-one-three-nine all stand there still hoping that what's happening out there doesn't happen in here! A huge blast right next to the cell makes LILO PELEKAI jump and clasp onto JL-1948, holding him tightly as both he and VG-1954 hold their weapons up at the door waiting for the inevitable, but the shouting and shooting fade away quickly.

It goes quiet and both troopers slowly put the weapons down, but the doors swishes open and they pull them back up ready to fire.

It's all right, the situation is under control, we're making sure everything is locked down so you can be evacuated.

Phew, what the hell happened out there?

Don't need to worry about that, you can put the blasters down now, and your helmets back on.

Oh, yeah.

VG-1954 smiles a bit and holsters his weapon, JL-1954 sighs in relief and also does the same, poor LILO PELEKAI shivers in fear behind him. The trooper leaves and both slide the white helmets on.

Everything is gonna be fine now LILO.

Unless it all kicks off again.

VG-1954 picks up the carrier with STITCH in it, he 'accidentally' bumps it against the door, and STITCH tries to scratch him through the door bars.

Hehe, you're a lively one, not on my hair anymore ..... let's get the hell out of here and rendezvous with NALI!

They all slowly walk out the cell and notice the big hole in the wall next to the cell, then the blast marks along the corridor, but as they reach the console area JL-1954 covers LILO'S eyes so she can't see what has happened. Quickly entering the turbo lift they keep their eyes on the back and the door swings closed, JL-1954 takes his hand away from LILO'S eyes, she looks up and takes his hand

Thank you.

Thank me when you're safe.

And when we receive our payment of course.

The turbo lift stops and the door opens, the two troopers are greeted by a small female dressed in a grey officer's uniform, she looks at LILO intently and offers her hand, the little girl slowly gives it to her gently and silently ..... finally both NALI and LILO are together after so very long.

And not forget this as well, little blue hair messing idiot!

LILO PELEKAI giggles at the silly man who simply shakes his head at her.

I better be paid double!

Your payment is already made, and thank you for everything.

She smiles at her two saviours as LILO PELEKAI waves goodbye at them, and as the door closes between them, the two troopers breath a sigh of relief.

Now then little sister and STITCH, let's get outta here!



Picking up the carrier with STITCH in it, she takes LILO PELEKAI'S hand and quickly moves off, making sure that she's not too visible to the busy corridors. Once back at the room she got the uniform in she rests, LILO PELEKAI cuddles into her and almost falls asleep.

No you mustn't LILO, we still have a bit to do.

But I'm tired.

Just one more place to go and we leave, you ready?

haha yes.

NALI PELEKAI opens the door and sees some storm troopers run into the hanger bay, seeing some commotion at the far end.

Okay ..... go!

Both make a run for it into the hanger bay and towards the MILLENNIUM FALCON, but NANI PELEKAI stops and looks at the scene in front of her while she gives LILO PELEKAI the carrier.

Take STITCH on board and hold on tight.

The girl grabs the carrier with both hands and waddles up the ramp while NANI PELEKAI looks on, a group of people and what looks like a tall walking carpet are staring at an open doorway, beyond that doorway are DARTH VADER and OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI sizing each other up with swords made out of light. She decides she's seen enough and runs into the MILLENNIUM FALCON, closes the ramp up and enters the cockpit, seeing the unfolding action through the windscreen. Quickly taking out the pouch from under her uniform, she produces the monitor she used earlier, and selects a location for which the ship will go ..... home.

Outside the ship the tension is building as the two gladiators battle with their glowing swords, they strike each other as sparks fly off them, the bigger more aggressive fighter seems to be getting the upper hand.

NANI PELEKAI plugs in the computer terminal to the MILLENNIUM FALCON computer and let's it do it's thing, she peeks one last look to outside, but something is happening. Both fighters have stopped fighting, and they are looking their way!

Uh oh. LILO, I hope you're secure 'cos we're blasting off now!

The monitor whirs one final time as the MILLENNIUM FALCON'S engines start up, and this alerts everyone in the hanger bay now, both DARTH VADER and OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI disengage their light sabres and stand there, while the others in the hanger bay turn to the ship

Go ship, get us out of here now!

The MILLENNIUM FALCON screams into life, lifting up off the floor of the hanger bay and hangs there for a moment, then blasts out of the hanger bay as the onlookers can only stare in disbelief. The ship powers away from the station and out of sight, and as OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI reaches the group of rebels he looks at LUKE SKYWALKER, however it's pilot is incredulous.

Hey!!! that's my ship!!!

this really is some rescue!
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mr jenzie
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Postby mr jenzie » Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:18 pm

thanks for all those views folks, that's some number there :D
and it's time to give you another chunk of DISNEY KINGDOM crazy chocolate goodness!
and if you think you know where it's going

this chapter was written after midnight, so it was like a gremlin really, but over the last week it's gotten a big rewrite and even up to last night i was changing little things about it.

and i expect when i post chapter four, the views should be over 400 ..... I AM SURE 8-)

tip of the day ..... WATCH THE DETAILS!


Picture this.

A massive cliff that if you look up at, it seems to go on for miles and miles, but it doesn't really as that would be silly. Okay it does go up a very long way, and way higher than the tower nestled into it, sticking from the ground as if placed their by some giant hand playing chess. But hark, is that someone singing, as a girl with short auburn hair soliloquies a heartfelt rendition.

Tomorrow night.
The lights will appear.
Just like they do on my birthday each year.
What is it like out there where they glow?
Now that I'm old enough .....

And as she almost ends her song of hope MOTHER GOTHEL stands there under the window and stares, her satchel full and rattling with more of what's she's collected in her travels.

..... She might let me go!

RAPUNZEL sighs with a heavy heart and leaves the window, MOTHER GOTHEL looks at the empty space up high in the tower and shakes her head.

I wish she'd stop singing that song, RAPUNZEL fully well knows she can come and go whenever she pleases, and she always loves all those lanterns her parents let fly over the land! She's turning into an almost bigger drama queen as I am!

MOTHER GOTHEL drops the bag on the ground and waits for RAPUNZEL to come back to the window and drop the rope down.

Sorry about that, I was clearing a space for your booty!

Stop calling it that girl, and throw the rope down, goodness knows how many times I have to tell you!

RAPUNZEL giggles

Okay MOTHER GOTHEL, here it comes.

MOTHER GOTHEL stands back and lets RAPUNZEL throw the rope down to the ground, the hook secured at the end clumps to the ground, MOTHER GOTHEL picks up the bag and clips it on, she then waves to RAPUNZEL to pull it up. The bag is hoisted up and reaches the window.

Ooh I wonder what you've brought me this week?

She feels the bag to figure out what's in it, but that just annoys MOTHER GOTHEL more.

Dear grief, will you just take it in and put it on the table, why I allowed you to talk me into you hauling it up like that, and showing what I bring I do not know. Hmm, just to shut you up I guess.

MOTHER GOTHEL allows herself a smile and enters the tower, she takes her cloak off revealing a rather fetching green dress, cut slightly higher that you would think and a shock of raven black curly hair tied back with a ribbon. She puts the cloak on a hanger and unties the ribbon, letting her luxurious hair dangle free, and runs her hand through it.

Ahh that feels better, in fact it feels soooooo good, I should replenish it after I go through what I found.

And with her hair flowing behind her she climbs up the stairs and to the door, waits a moment and bursts in ever so dramatically as usual.

RAPUNZEL dear, are you looking forward to your birthday tomorrow, I'm sure your parents will give you something very ni .....

What's this? Ooh a hat!

Put that down girl! I told you to wait for me and then we can have a good rummage through it.

She sighs mightily as RAPUNZEL places the hat that's coloured purple and black with a red ribbon tied to it on her head, prances about a bit, then puts it on the table. MOTHEL GOTHEL raises her finger to her but before she utters a word …..

Kapow pow!

Good grief RAPUNZEL stop doing that, you'll give me a heart attack!

She grabs the very large weapon-thing and checks it, it has a label on it's side and it says REPULSE-INATOR, then places it on the table with a humph.

And stop pointing things that would make me uglier ..... I mean ugly ..... you wouldn't want that now would we?

Why not eh?

The girl looks at MOTHER GOTHEL coyly.

Ooh ..... I ..... well ..... well, it would make me less beautiful that's all, and besides, the look on that gormless idiot when he realised it was gone make me crack up. And now since I am here now, I'll take charge of the rummaging from now on.

You're no fun!

Well people who are no fun like to have the safety on these things on and secured, imagine how you'd react if it went off in your face!

The girl wistfully skips around the room only stopping at the clock on the beam, she looks at it and gives it a tap.

Hmm this hasn't worked all day and I've wound it up plenty of times, MOTHER GOTHEL, why is the clock not working?

Hmm what dear? I don't know ..... yes well, fun is fun and all, but point a weapon like that at me can have grave consequences. And there's more in the bag that I don't want an inexperienced girl handling, like this little thing!

She dives into the bag and grabs something, then brings it out, it looks like a small round coin with a sun imprinted on it.

Ooh can I see can I see.

Please girl, I can't let you play with this ..... let me tell you what this is, it is a coin.

Ah ha

With a sun on it

Ah ha

And it is very very important that I keep it with me, and put it in my little special chest, where prying hands can't get a hold of it.

Ah ha ..... aww. So what does it do?

Well, dare I say it, but this could ..... and I say could ..... lead me to a far away place, where strange creatures roam and weird things happen.

So if I use it, I can get out of this tower then?

RAPUNZEL tries to swipe it from MOTHER GOTHEL'S hand but she's too quick for the girl

Ah ah ah RAPUNZEL, this is definitely not for you my child, last thing I want to happen is for you to scarper off to goodness knows where ….. what would your parents say ..... again!

Silence in the room as they both stand there, then RAPUNZEL laughs.

I know that, just you being highly dramatic and whatnot.

MOTHER GOTHEL brings the coin up and let's RAPUNZEL take a good look at it.

Now listen child I'm being serious here, you can't be playing with this now, it is highly dangerous and can lead to unbelievable bad things!

She walks towards RAPUNZEL, her eyes widening.

It can either take you to a wondrous place, or send you to the pits of despair!

She walks right up to RAPUNZEL, towering above the girl in height.

RAPUNZEL, listen carefully ..... this coin represents strange and powerful properties, in the wrong hands it could darken the world, make it's people selfish and cruel. And ultimately ..... ultimately, if just a single drop of sunshine falls on it's face, it ..... will ..... destroy it!!!

RAPUNZEL'S face is like stone and quite perplexed, then MOTHER GOTHEL gives her a warm hug.

But of course my girl, that won't happen now will it?

She glides away from the girl and places it into her pocket, grabs the bag and empties the rest of the contents out on the table with a clatter, it causes RAPUNZEL to jump a bit.

And now you can sort out the less dangerous artefacts that I collected out there in my travels, and don't worry RAPUNZEL, they are no more dangerous than what I let you have in your room to examine and play with.

And with that, MOTHER GOTHEL sweeps past the bemused girl with the short auburn hair, and to the door.

And remember RAPUNZEL dear, nothing gets past me!

The door opens and she exits the room, it bangs shot and the clock on the beam shakes, RAPUNZEL only rolls her eyes at the unbelievable dramatic way MOTHER GOTHEL leaves.

Not if I can help it, I've seen what you have in your room, this time tonight when you go out hunting again, I'll do what I do best, have a good rummage around her booty!

She flits to the table and wafts her hands aver the assorted objects, a weird thing here, another totally weird thing there. Then she touches her pet chameleon PASCAL and it jumps into her short hair.

Aha! There you are PASCAL!

Inside MOTHER GOTHEL'S room, it's just as furnished as RAPUNZEL'S, except there's a load more stuff littered around all over the place.

There you are my little bitty drop of sunshine you!

She picks up what looks like some sort of plant pot, well of course it's a plant pot, since it has a plant in it. A very special goldeny glowingy plant.

Little flower who gives me so much ..... youth and beauty.

She brings her hand to one of it's leaves and ever so softly glances it's touch, instantly a soft glow emanates from her hair and refreshes it's lustre, making it even more shiny and annoyingly beautiful.

Ahh so much better, good to get a replenish after such long and hard thievery.

Putting down the plant pot she goes over to the little chest and gives it a pat. Instantly it opens with a yaw and she smiles, a little way inside is another coin identical to the one she let RAPUNZEL see.

And now I have two of these now, better place this one at the other side of the chest for now.

She closes the chest and leaves the room, it is left in silence, except for a very quiet and indistinguishable hum from a nondescript little cat's collar, starting to glow .....
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mr jenzie
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Postby mr jenzie » Sun Sep 18, 2016 5:53 pm

don't leave me hanging and drop all and sundry comments!

doesn't it look like all my viewers are itching to find out where all this nonsense is going, all four hundred and twenty of you lurkers ;)


as our next chapter finds ourselves up to our necks in troubled water, and someone else up to their neck in troubled trouble .....


The storm clouds slowly make their way to the horizon, it's winds start to settle down, and a seagull comes through the swirl of dense mist overhead across a calming ocean. It squawks and flaps it's wings some more and spots a small boat moving slowly, it flies down and lands on it's bow, the occupants see it and mostly ignore it ..... except the parrot.

Get off me boat!

He he, you tell 'im bird.

The seagull looks at them inquisitively then flies off.

That got it! Can't have no bleedin' birds on here.

COTTON and TIKI MACOW look at him.

Shut up and keep rowing, I don't think this 'gift' is gonna keep.

Next to him on the seat a heavy cloth lies over a container, noises come from it and it rattle about, JOSHAMEE GIBBS puts a hand on it to stop it moving.

Ship ahoy mateys!

JOSHAMEE GIBBS looks around and sees home, well it's a ship called the BLACK PEARL and sighs are big relief.

Thank gawd for that, thought I was never getting back!

The rowing boat bumps against the hull of the larger ship, a rope ladder is flung down and clatters into RAGETTI.

Oi, watch it, nearly took ma head off!

Hehe, not much too lose then!

PINTEL gets splashed from an annoyed RAGETTI as someone shouts down to them.

Are you not getting out then? Will I just hook you up to the back then?

Grief ..... keep yer breeches on, here hold this bleeding thing PINTEL.

JOSHAMEE GIBBS hands the covered container to PINTEL and starts clambering up the ladder, stops and reaches out to take the container, then lifts it up to WILL TURNER

Here ya go, don't drop it.

Pair of safe hands.

You're not kidding my love.

ELIZABETH SWANN grabs her husband carefully from behind, he gets a bit of a shock and almost does drop it, JOSHAMEE GIBBS groans.

Don't drop it or you'll be swimming for it!

What is it anyway?

It's a gift, a gift to the greatest captain on these seas!


RAGETTI pops his head above the side and makes them laugh, underneath PINTEL shoves him over it and laughs harder.

Inside the captains quarters of the BLACK PEARL patiently sits the main crew ELIZABETH SWANN plays with her husbands hair, PINTEL and RAGETTI sit uncomfortably and fidget like children, while staunchly standing at the door is JOSHAMEE GIBBS patiently waiting. Even TIKI MACAW is quiet, you could almost hear a pin drop, the covered container sits on the table with a faintly green colour to it.

He's coming, everyone stand on your feet!

As soon as she says that they all stand up very quickly

And welcome your captain, the bestest captain of all the seas, CAPTAIN JACK .....

Thank you thank you my brave crew and may I say you are indeed the bestest crew in these ..... seas and all that.

Congratulations captain, you made it, made it to another birthday!

JOSHAMEE GIBBS hands JACK SPARROW a small glass of the ships best rum, the captain looks at it and with the crew all waiting he looks at them, narrows his eyes and gulps the rum straight down.

Ahh always refreshing.

And the crew have gotten you a gift, a gift so rare that it will make your eyes pop out of the head!

The crew all nod at that except WILL TURNER and ELIZABETH SWANN who don't know what it is, and are just as excited to find out what it is.

Well of course, you can't have a birthday and not get a gift, thank you my good man, I shall treasure it forever.

JACK SPARROW slaps JOSHAMEE GIBBS on the back hard and he manages a self congratulatory smile, walks by him and approaches the container on the table, everyone looks on in anticipation.

Now then little gift, let's see what my fine crew has gotten me.

JACK SPARROW slowly takes hold of the heavy cloth and glances around at the expectant faces, he waits another few seconds to create some more unneeded drama to it, and with a big grin on his face he whips it off!

Underneath is that container, actually it's an oil lamp that is empty except for a very angry fairy that glows green, when she sees out through the glass she starts shouting and stamping. JACK SPARROW'S face turns from grinning to not grinning.

Erm, what's this?

It's your gift jack.

And what is it?

Well we thought that you wanted to have something a bit ..... special and all.

Heh, it is special, isn't it.

Of course, for my captain it had to be something a bit ..... special.

Uh huh, and can you tell me what it is, I seem to be at a loss as to what it is.

What, you don't recognise her then?

It's a rhetorical question! The name of the fairy please.

Well ..... well it's TINKERBELL.

Aha yes ..... yes she's called TINKERBELL.

And in recognition of your greatness, we thought that you'd like something like this, and bringing us back from the brink of bankruptcy. And I thought that this kind of gift would be a generous reward for such hard work.

Hmm I see, and where did you get this wonderful gift that I fully and truly deserve?

Ahh yes, well simply put we ..... as former pirates and all ..... well, we nicked it!

And pray tell my good man, where did you nick it from?

Erm, the JOLY ROGER?

Yes yes, that's the one, and now tell me who is this fine ships captain ..... what you've nicked this fairy from, a fairy that's very very well know and probably very expensive.

Ahh yes ..... that would be CAPTAIN HOOK ..... wot we nicked the fairy from .....

So let me get this straight, you decided to nick my birthday present from the one man I want to be on the side of, and someone who we've had trouble with for a long time and now we've patched most of it up and are working together a bit ..... the same CAPTAIN HOOK that can probably send his men and take this ship, then burn it ..... and then take us all and brutally murder us, then throw us on the burning ship that we're all on ..... then probably fire all his cannons at the burning ship with us in it ..... and that's all in a good day?

Well, why not? He's not been that great to us, sending us to corners of this world with not much to show for it, we've barely got the BLACK PEARL ship shape and what we get for our troubles ain't gonna be much to fix the hole in the sails let alone repair the hull with! I and the crew decided that a little bit of payback was in order, and to nick his precious fairy!

And now you're gonna nick it back to him.

What? But this is your gift captain.

Yeah, and when the good CAPTAIN HOOK finds out where his lucky charm is, he'll probably give me another gift, one with a very sharp point attached to his arm!

We won't tell him!

We won't need to tell him, he'll know and spread your bodies all over the sea for the gulls to snack on, and that's not something I want personally.

Outside a crewman up top the crows nest shout down and everyone scrambles out.

Ship ahoy!!!

What's the flag son?

JOSHAMEE GIBBS turns and looks kinda nervous to JACK SPARROW and forces a strained laugh

Erm ..... THE JOLLY RO .....

JACK SPARROW suddenly has heard enough and runs back into the cabin, looks at the oil lamp with TINKERBELL in it, then covers it back up with the cloth.

Well it looks like your owner is coming to get you, and to get me as well, so off we go!

JACK SPARROW grabs the oil lamp and runs back out, he stops in front of his crew and nervously laughs.

Well it appears that one CAPTAIN HOOK is a-coming, so that means I'm a-going!

Oh not again!

And as they all watch on as JACK SPARROW clambers over the rail and down into the rowing boat he shouts up.

Who wants to be captain then?

He looks extremely nervous as he looks back at the ever approaching ship, a very impressive vessel bristling with cannons and massive sails, it's flag already well in sight with it's jet black background and pure white skull and crossbones motif. The crew murmur amongst themselves but JACK SPARROW ain't waiting around and points.

Well I decided and it took a lot of thought, but it's you WILL TURNER, you're the new captain ..... again.

The crew all look at WILL TURNER and sigh, JACK SPARROW almost throws down the oil lamp in a tremendous hurry, inside TINKERBELL complains mightily.

You know one time that will stick, and I'll be left to take care of your reprobates!

Well yeah, and maybe this time the good CAPTAIN HOOK will let me keep all my parts together, but I very much doubt it.

JACK SPARROW quickly unties the ropes tying the row boat to the ship and grabs the oars, always looking back to see the ship now completely in his view, he splutters out a gurgled laugh and as fast as he can starts rowing. But the boat is already rocking on the waves created by the giant ship almost beside the BLACK PEARL, almost twice the size the JOLLY ROGER is a formidable craft, since it's the flagship of one HOOK ENTERPRISES. The tiny rowing boat almost smacks against it but skilful manoeuvring by JACK SPARROW just about avoids that, and finally he gets away from the bow and without looking back, he starts rowing as fast as he can to the nearby port city of Bristol.

Ugh, why does he not take his punishment, why do we let him run away all the time, and why are you always the captain WILL TURNER?

A safe pair of hands?

Definitely not the pretty face and brains though.

And as the crew focus on the massive ship besides them, they all shuffle on deck into their prepositioned points, to greet the oncoming boarding party and they all look very nervous indeed. Suddenly a great opening appears in the side of the JOLLY ROGER and out slides a platform sided with ornamental railing, it goes to it's length and hovers over the side of the BLACK PEARL, it's crew take a step back and wait for it to slowly drop down. But it doesn't and crashes onto the deck, destroying the railing, and making the crew jump back except WILL TURNER and ELIZABETH SWANN.

Oh now we gonna have to pay for that TOO!

The dust and splinters settle and they see a group walking the platform towards them, in front are a group of young boys all dressed up in pirate garb, they stop onto the deck and then MR SMEE enters their view. Then finally the very imposing form of one CAPTAIN JAMES HOOK, he slowly lifts up his handless arm and shows it to the new captain, it has a rather ornamental pure silver hook on it.

Where is JACK SPARROW and the fairy he stole from me?

JOSHAMEE GIBBS gulps as WILL TURNER takes a step towards him.

Sorry captain, you just missed him.

CAPTAIN JAMES HOOK just stands there and scowls.
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mr jenzie
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Postby mr jenzie » Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:33 pm

well hello there ..... droids eh, funny fellows aren't they
they walk
they roll
they talk funny
and do stuff us humans don't wanna

but they can't do THIS ..... NO MATTER WHAT THEY TELL YOU :P

it's .....


The DESERT OF TIME at night as the crescent moon slowly dips towards the horizon, it's just a desert and all sandy and stuff, and all that sand and stuff swirls in the air like some storm that's all sandy and stuff. But eventually the wind settles and the sand and stuff gently settles back on the dunes, that go as far as the eye can see, and that's pretty far. And far in this desert there are hidden secrets, dangerous secrets and wonderful secrets too breathtaking to behold ….. and one of them is safely in the pocket of a thief, only this thief doesn't feel so safe. He constantly looks back, his face paralysed in fear and trepidation, stumbling along the dune edge. His camel long gone and lying somewhere behind him, and he knows who is following him.

Stay calm GAZEEM, only a few more steps to the meeting point, stay low and don't be seen.

He scrambles to the top of the dune and peers over, and sees his destination, GAZEEM allows himself to smile. So he thinks he's safe enough to stand up a bit taller in the night sky, then he hears a fizzing sound in the air, and rolls down the dune like a rock, he rests at the bottom and holds his leg as it starts to bleed.

Aaagh, ugh ..... no not like this .....

Then he spies up top the dune and sees a figure standing there, silhouetted up against the moon, the weapon held up in the air.

You can't take it, it belongs to him, you can't take me back!

He tries to stand up and almost collapses in pain, the he looks back to see if the figure is still there but it isn't, GAZEEM panics and hobbles on. Continually looking back and trying to gauge the landscape through his blurring eye sight, slips his hand into the pocket and feels inside, and starts laughing.

Hehe, you can't have this ..... you can't .....

But GAZEEM doesn't finish as he sees the mysterious figure, but not on the ground, but in the air! Behind seems to be ablaze with fire as the figures looks down at him.

You demons are not gonna get this.

And the figure plummets down and lands on his feet, the fire from his back extinguishes itself and start walking towards GAZEEM who's fallen in the sand, and stands over the fallen thief.

You can't take it ..... he won't let you.

The figure reaches down and into the pocket, then takes it out, looks at it through his visor helmet and puts it in a pouch of his uniform, GAZEEM looks crestfallen.

Please, don't take me back, I did everything you asked of me ..... I was good to your master .....

He didn't finish because the figure shoots him!

No not shot shot, this is DISNEY we're talking about, only shot him with a tranquilliser dart from his weapon, GAZEEM instantly drops his head on the sand. The figures holsters his weapon and grabs onto the unconscious GAZEEM, being the heavy set gentleman the figure has difficulty in hefting his weight over his shoulder, and sets off back where he came.

Bounty hunters always get their prey, no matter how heavy they are.


The sun comes up and the next day comes over AGRABAH, a lavish city filled to the skyline with ornate domes and minuets, populated with denizens dressed for the conditions. One of them appears to have stolen a loaf of bread and is now running from the law, being very agile he evades them with ease, jumping away from them and swinging from drapes. Even barrels of fish are of use as he spills them to stop them arresting him, and climbs a platform to escape, his little monkey friend never far behind and sometimes helping with the escape. And with spears flying upwards and into the wood the young thief laughs in the face of capture, grabs a carpet off some pegs and jumps, it opens like a canopy and he gently floats away.

But this city is in the grip of hunger, a loaf of bread is a lifeline for most of the people here, and inside one of the main buildings in AGRABAH the people sit and fear for the future. The entire city is gripped with fear and trepidation as ALADDIN steps into the building still with that solitary loaf in hand, he goes to the farthest corner where two children are sitting on their makeshift bed. As soon as they see him they both jump up, he hands them the loaf and smiles, but it is a false smile as he knows what future lies in wait for them. ALADDIN steps away from them as they devour the bread, then the main door opens and in walks the entourage of her highness the PRINCESS JASMINE along with her father THE SULTAN HAMED, behind comes the tall figure of the Royal Vizier JAFAR who grimaces tiredly at the scene.

How long must we endure all this your highness?

Why are you asking me, you are the one in charge of the negotiations with the palace, and you have yet to agree to any of their terms. I was this close to negotiating to swap the half ..... with you! And where is our negotiator, he hasn't shown up, or has he thieved the half for himself ..... or yourself more like it!

JAFAR laughs nervously and looks over to JASMINE, helping out with giving out hot soup to the hungry.

Hmph I know full well you crave her vizier, ever since you stepped foot in AGRABAH, your gaze towards her has been nothing short of troubling.

You know your highness I would offer myself for such a trade, but I simply cannot do such a thing, you would lose a most valuable member of the city.

You flatter yourself JAFAR, even to the point of our people suffering as they have blocked most food transports, the desert is harsh at the best of times. You'd better come up with something to appease these gangsters before we all die from lack of food or being swallowed up by the sand, like so many cities have done over the years!

THE SULTAN HASAN stares up at the lofty figure. JAFAR thinks for a moment.

Hmm, perhaps there is one way?

The vizier again looks the way of the beautiful princess and thinks something he doesn't want to think.

Yes, one way to save our city, one even I think is pretty vile ..... but needs must.

The hand of my daughter JASMINE? Even for you that is ruthless, that is a very risky move.

If a marriage between JABBA THE HUTT and PRINCESS JASMINE can break the siege on AGRABAH, then how can we not agree to it?

Would that horrible worm ever agree to it?

You've seen his voraciousness for females.

Peas in a pod ..... but this is my daughter we are speaking of, this must be a binding one and one that does not harm her, if this fails JAFAR .....

What if I threw in a little extra incentive for the joining of our two palaces, and making sure of her safety, perhaps a little gift to sweeten the deal? Someone who is wanted by JABBA, for crimes he most certainly did commit?

JAFAR calls over one of the guards and points to ALADDIN'S way.

When the princess is out of the building, make sure that person does not leave, throw him in chains and into my personal dungeon in the palace!

He watches the entourage goes over to JASMINE and doesn't take his beady eyes off her, but other thoughts enter his devious mind.

You stupid idiot GAZEEM, you've failed me again, hopefully the desert has swallowed your fat frame this time ..... let's hope my other spy in the house of HUTT succeeds in what you obviously couldn't!


It's door slowly creaks and cranks, lifting up from the sand and it reveals the gaping hallway of one JABBA THE HUTT'S palace, as the bounty hunter stands there holding the arm of a rather pained thief. GAZEEM gazes into the dark and gulps.

You think he will let me live after this?

None of my business, this is just another job I have to do for him.

The door continues to grind open, then a small and really annoying little creature scampers out.

Give me the scarab piece bounty hunter, I want to present it to my master.

Unfortunately JANGO FETT just grunts and kicks the stupid thing in it's face, CREEPER lands upside down in the sand, GAZEEM gives a laugh then gets dragged into the maw. Then the door starts to close.

Haha very funny, no wait let me in you villains!

And the door closes shut.

Inside the palace is strewn all assorted villains and scum either standing in the many shadowy corners, or laying down after another massive party held by his blubberyness, and they begin to stir at the duo walking past them. Finally entering the main hall JANGO FETT and GAZEEM stand before the great big slug, several lesser creatures start who are usual to the surroundings slowly surround them , but there are others around who are not from here. Some that are here for their own greediness.

Your highness, here is the thief who stole the scarab half.

He shoves GAZEEM towards the big giant creature, the thief gives a very nervous smile.

Hehe, please your eminence, please ..... it was not what you think, I was going to steal the other part of it and give it to you ..... I only had your benefit at hand.

That woke up the gangster, JABBA THE HUTT gives a throaty grunt.

You think that your pathetic excuses mean anything to me, you have been nothing but a simpering worm, and I eat worms for breakfast.

Behind GAZEEM a giant of a man approaches with quite beguiling silence and grabs his shoulders, the quivering thief looks up and sees a very gnarly and quite large face looking down on him with a cap on his head, LOTHAR stares at GAZEEM and wants to knock him into next week. He doesn't get the chance as another extremely large and jet black creature suddenly jumps from literally nowhere up above, an elongated and gross tongue stretches out and licks to poor mans face, GAZEEM tries to pull away but LOTHAR'S massive frame stops him backing up, JANGO FETT just stands there and groans.

Can we get on with this, I want my payment.

Enough my fellow scum, leave this unfortunate person.

Both LOTHAR and VENOM look at the gangster and slowly back away, trying not to look downwards at the huge grate below their feet.

Now then thief, tell me why I shouldn't make you my pets' next meal?

The slugs giant hand hovers over a big button next to him, GAZEEM gulps and starts shaking.

Please don't I don't wanna be a meal for that thing, I'll do anything for you JABBA!

That particular statement brings laughter from everyone in the room, even the returning CREEPER with sand trailing from him, unfortunately he's picked up by LOTHAR and is thrown across the room landing at the feet of a woman who's raven black hair has a tinge of green to it. CREEPER whimpers at the abuse but the woman picks him up and dusts him off.

Silly creature.

She looks on at the the terrified GAZEEM awaiting his fate.

You will scum, you will do something for me, and you will do it very well ..... in the UNDERDUNGEONS OF MECHNER!

A disgustingly slimy grin crosses the face of JABBA THE HUTT as guards grab him and drag him away, GAZEEM continues to complain but to no avail, meanwhile JANGO FETT waits patiently.

Your payment for the work bounty hunter has been processed, you can return to your abode until I require you for any further missions.

He waives the bounty hunter away and proceeds to gulp down a drink with glee, the rest of the criminals and evil-doers continue to do what they were doing, which was pretty much nothing.

Thank you.

He turns round and wants to get out quick but is stopped in his tracks by someone dressed in camouflage green and wears a hunters hat, both lock eyes and stare at each other intently, then the hatted man smiles and slowly steps aside almost in contempt to the bounty hunter.

Pardon me JANGO, I didn't quite see you there, are you on your way out? It would be a shame if you didn't stay a little while longer?

JANGO FETT slowly takes his helmet off and snarls at him.

Don't insult me, your methods actually make me sick, you claim to be some sort of hunter but you are nothing of the sort!

He tries to walk past him but PERCIVAL MCLEACH grabs his arm hard.

You forget yourself sir, I get the job done without fuss ..... see for yourself!

He points to something hanging on the far wall, dowsed in a dimly lit hue, it glints as light sparkles off it, but it's face is of pure terror and his four eyes glaring out.

A gallant prize you see, bait for my next capture, and already in progress. The good DOCTOR JUMBA was ever so kind as to step into the freezing chamber, you should have seen the look on his face as the CARBONITE swirled about him and froze him on the spot ..... not as funny as seeing him tremble and calling that girl to rescue my real prize though. And tonight I take him ready to capture my prey, laughing all the way to the bank, and laughing at you at your incompetency!

You watch your mouth little man or I'll blast you into the sand where you crawled out of!

A very angry JANGO FETT grabs his lapels and throws him to the floor, puts his helmet back on, PERCIVAL MCLEACH just grins at him and watches him go.

And say hello to your boy BOBA too, wouldn't want to get him involved with all this, now can't we. It would be such a shame if JABBA found out about him, why he would simply take him away from you, because you were hiding him from his grasp!

JANGO FETT stops straight and his anger boils, he slips his hand slowly to his holster and unhooks it, touching his blaster and so much wanting to take out this loud mouth once and for all.

And disintegrating someone in the exulted ones' presence wouldn't be a sensible move either, as is your refusal to give the location of the cloning facility that created him, that should have thrown you into the UNDERDUNGEONS on principle itself! Maybe you are not as smart as you think you are, you hunt for bounty, I hunt real prey .....

When the call comes through, it will be my pleasure to hunt you scavenger!

The bounty hunter hooks back up the holster and walks out of the palace with disdain, but all PERCIVAL MCLEACH does is grin, then turns to the bait on the wall and dusts himself off.

Hehe, much more valuable that some fat stupid thief.

And all the while in another corner stands a lithe female, as tall as any male in the palace, but all in typical desert clothing. Her face covered except for her eyes, which are dark brown, and those eyes exude a steeliness to them. Around her feet scuttles an annoying little robot thing that looks like a bowler hat or something, and underneath her cloak there is looks like a bat with a peg leg, peeking out and looking around very nervously.

When ..... when we gonna get the scarab?

The woman pats him back inside the cloak, she looks at the great door of JABBA THE HUTT'S palace open with the silhouette of JANGO FETT leaving, then back into the depths of darkness of the palace at PERCIVAL MCLEACH disappearing into to gloom. She slips off her coverings over her head and lets her long black hair flow down, she flits her hand in it to get rid of some of the sand in it.

Soon FIDGET ..... soon. And hopefully not get caught like GAZEEM did.

and GOOD NEWS EVERYONE, i've finished the whole of the first episode, and now about to embark on the second episode, I ain't stopping :ugeek:
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mr jenzie
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Postby mr jenzie » Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:57 pm

i think it's round about that time again, where i transport you to a wonderful place, where everything is possible and no one will ever wonder why you're playing with your DISNEY INFINITY dolls again :D

and i gotta say, i never expected the amount of views for this, so you must all be waiting eagerly for the next part!

how could i possibly get more views, even a post or two from all you shy people ;)

let's just say this, this is a BIG chapter for a few reasons ..... and that's all i'm saying :mrgreen:

and it was so big, i was editing and rewriting things in it a mere hour before the post of it!

so with all that done, let's get this out there, and welcome to a much bigger world .....


Rumbles in the distance sound as THE CHANGE leaves this part of the newly formed world, as The sun beats down on the desert with a lone tumble-weed skipping by without much sound, bouncing along in the light breeze. The air is fresh and clear, a coyote squeals in the distance, and a massive train rumbles by scaring the narrator! The BIG THUNDER engine steams ahead as it travels along one of the double tracks laid, the engineer peers out the side and tugs on it's whistle, it screams loudly and a single buffalo looks up and steps back a bit as it roars past. Then it goes back to eating that cactus.

Up ahead a few miles lies the capital of the KINGDOM OF THE WILD FRONTIER, COLBY OLD WEST, where cowboys and native American Indians all live together ..... without too much trouble. It's a pretty busy place with people mulling around the platform and in the waiting room, and patiently waiting is JOHN LAWLESS, who can't contain his excitement as he waits for the next train on his journey to Philadelphia to start his new job as a butler to a strange eccentric fellow.

Aha, here comes the train now.

He walks back and enters the station proper and picks up his luggage, exiting back through the door, and tipping his cap to the hooded lady sitting on the wooden seat. She looks up and nods in acknowledgement, a flick of her red hair falls over her face and she stands up, also waiting for the train that's coming into the station.

Oh I can't wait until I start my new job in the big city, always wanted to see the sights, and walks down those avenues.

Uh huh.

JOHN LAWLESS gives the mysterious lady a quick smile, grasping his suitcase as the train slows to a stop, it's steam swirls around the people and wafts the long cloak of the lady slightly open. JOHN LAWLESS spots something underneath that catches his eye, it glints in the sunshine, then stands up straight with an embarrassed look on his face. The mysterious lady gives him a smile.

It's okay there ..... I'm on a secret mission!

Oh, really?

Did you not see the meteorite last night? It was pretty bright.

Ahh yes I did, all green it was.

Don't worry, I'm here to see where it landed and make sure it didn't cause too much damage.

It landed on the mountain didn't it?


The steam from the train has stopped swirling enough now, and the doors open for the passengers to depart, and for one on the platform to finally get going to Philadelphia.

Well see ya, hope you fix it all out.

And JOHN LAWLESS steps aboard the train, gives a little waive to the HOODED LADY and goes to his compartment, while someone else departs the train and approaches the HOODED LADY. He is dressed in a pin sharp suit and is very well cleaned up what with his fancy designed facial hair, and carries a pretty big silver coloured briefcase, gives a little wink to the HOODED LADY and goes into the station.

Out the front of the station building HOODED LADY and WELL DRESSED MAN step, they scan the scene in front of them, and he points to a nearby hotel establishment and start making their way towards it.

Meanwhile with the other passengers that are coming and going to and from the carriages, a GRUFF LOOKING MAN more dressed for the wild west, all leather long coat and cowboy hat. He approaches the luggage car at the back of the train, several porters are unloading cargo and other things, but he's somewhat concerned as to how the poor porter trying to unload a particular big crate.

Please be careful with that, it has some very delicate erm ..... weather experiments ..... and don't tip it onto it's side, I doubt it would like to be on it's side.

Yes sir.

The GRUFF LOOKING MAN looks around then checks his watch, a rather fetching red watch thing, then he quietly speaks into it.

Just a few more minutes and you can come out of the box, can't have you scaring the locals hehe

The PORTER calls another one over and both get the big box onto a trolley, and both gain a tip in their hands, then the PORTER pushes the trolley with the large crate through the station and to the front of it, where there is a horse carriage waiting.

This must be a pretty big weather experiment in here, is it something to do with what happened last night?

Oh that? Oh no no no my good man, I can assure you, this has nothing to do with that.

The PORTERS grab hold of the crate and gently hoist it onto the carriage as the GRUFF LOOKING MAN looks at him with a tiny bit of pensiveness.

Well, not that much to do with it. Come on, let's get you safe and sound.

Finally the crate is laden onto the carriage and tied down in a rough and ready fashion, the GRUFF LOOKING MAN hops onto the carriage, thanks the PORTERS with a salute and whips the reins so the horse starts moving towards the town.

In the hotel the HOODED LADY takes off her long coat and sits down on a chair, she takes out a small handheld computer and clicks it on, while the WELL DRESSED MAN peeks out the window.

Well then, do we have a signal from his tracker then NATASHA?

Hmm let's see, oh wait, yeah ..... he's there on the mountain.

NATASHA ROMANOFF looks at the silver coloured briefcase.

You think the 'buster suit will be needed for him TONY?

If it's like last time, I pretty much think so.

TONY STARK grimaces at remembering that, but then smiles at NATASHA ROMANOFF, she sighs and switches the handheld with her mobile phone, it rings in the positive.

Yep, he's here on the mountain. No not yet STEVE, we can take care of it ..... yes we can STEVE! And how is HAWKEYE, has he arrived at CASTLE MALIFICENT for the big tournament?

NATASHA ROMANOFF listens for a second to the reply, then playfully kicks at TONY STARK'S leg, and nods.

Another day then he'll be there ….. okay STEVE, keep house will ya and let HAWKEYE win the thing and let us take care of the big problems!

NATASHA ROMANOFF giggles and hangs up, TONY STARK looks out the window at the impressive looking townscape, and in the background WITCH MOUNTAIN stands proud.

Don't worry buddy, we'll get you back to normal ..... well as normal as BRUCE BANNER and THE HULK can be!

A stillness in the night air surrounds the town, only a few screeching howls in the distance break the quiet, and in an indiscreet barn the GRUFF LOOKING MAN places the large crate in the back. He looks at it and gives it a gentle pat.

There, all safe and sound, and we'll get you fixed up in the morning.

The GRUFF LOOKING MAN pulls the light string and leaves the barn, he walks back across the street into the hotel, however there's someone watching and suddenly scampers over the the barn. The shadowy figure tries to open the door but it doesn't budge, then looks into the slightly open window and spies in, slowly and quietly opens the window and with stealth climbs in. Ever so carefully goes over to the large crate and looks at it, the figure brings her hand up and touches the wood of the crate, almost caressing the wood but doesn't realise that she's about to get a shock. Suddenly the pressure pad that's hidden emits light and the whole crate starts to hum with noise, the figure springs back and goes behind the work table with several tools on it, and now the whole crate shakes and emits a strange sound getting louder and louder ..... then the front of the crate drops down onto the floor, throwing straw and dust forward.

A low ominous hum starts to sound from inside the crate, the figure slowly rises up from under the table and sees what's inside it, as it's single long red eye gradually glows brighter and scarier. The figure backs away more from this thing, as it glides out of the crate, it suddenly lifts its arms up and whirring starts but nothing whirs. That's enough for the poor girl as she quickly takes her bow out of the quiver and stumbles to take an arrow out, and with her arms like jelly she aims as best she can at the evil looking eye and fires, the arrow leaves the string and whistles through the air!

Unfortunately when the arrow strikes the evil looking monster, it's metal arrowhead barely registers, and it just barely sticks into the metal skin of the giant menace. This makes it stop for a moment to register that something has indeed struck, but moments later it decides to ignore that and continue onto the girl, then the barn doors crashes open.

What in the blazes are you doing girl???

The GRUFF LOOKING MAN raises what looks like a weapon, but it's not like an old western weapon of any kind, it has two barrels ….. one above and one below the grip!

And why are you disturbing MAXIMILLIAN?

The figure reacts and hurriedly brings out another arrow, barely making the string of the bow, spins around to point at the GRUFF LOOKING MAN, then spins again around at the approaching red robot.

MAXIMILLIAN, stand down, she harmless.

I am not harmless!

Well firing that arrow at MAXIMILLIAN would certainly be harmless, and no doubt could do some damage to an old man like myself.

What is that thing? It's a monster! A monster from last night?

Oh no, ahh you mean the meteorite ..... that landed on WITCH MOUNTAIN correct?

Yes, whatever you said.

The GIRL turns back around slowly again, still nervously holding her bow and arrow, but the GRUFF LOOKING MAN smiles at her from under his cowboy hat and that makes her relax.

You can put that down now, I won't shoot you with this, do you want to see it?


The GRUFF LOOKING MAN sighs and clicks the safety off the weapon and shows it to the GIRL.

See, it's very different to your one. Except I could almost certainly kill you with it, unless you tell me why you are trying to break my robot companion?

I was not, I was simply ..... curious.

Hmm, I guess everyone is at the moment, with what happened last night.

You know what happened last night?

The GIRL slowly brings down her bow and arrow as MAXIMILLIAN hovers behind her, the arms going back down to their neutral position.

MAXIMILLIAN isn't the most talkative, as he doesn't have a voice module, and I've been trying to find a place so I can repair him.

The GIRL finally quivers her bow and slides the arrow besides it, she looks round at MAXIMILLIAN and stares into it's red eye.

He really is scary.

He can be, he was far scarier with the blades attached to his arms, could have shredded a little thing like you in no time. But I took them off just for safeties sake.

The GRUFF LOOKING MAN walks past the GIRL and checks on the big red robot, he looks at the arrow just about sticking into his metal skin, just about touches it and it falls off to the ground. Bending down he picks up the arrow, closely examines it, and looks up into the eye of the indomitable robot.

Ach you'll be fine MAXIMILLIAN.

So ..... who are you?

The GRUFF LOOKING MAN waits a moment, then spins around and flips off his cowboy hat, revealing a weathered face and neatly trimmed beard with a shock of white through it's black hair

Who I am? REINHARDT ..... DOCTOR HANS REINHARDT! And who do I have the pleasure of meeting who didn't sneak in and break my robot?

DOCTOR HANS REINHARDT gives the GIRL a smile, setting her in a more comfortable state finally, goes over to her and hands her the arrow.

The daughter of the chief of the reserve that's part of this town ..... POCAHONTAS!

POCAHONTAS nervously stretches her hand out to take the arrow back, puts it back in it's place, then puts out her hand in greeting.

It's nice to meet you ..... and MAXIMILLIAN.

Interesting ..... I didn't realise that you offered a hand in friendship?

Then he looks up at the dent caused by the arrow fired at MAXIMILLIAN.

And I think I'll keep that too, for keepsakes.
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mr jenzie
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Postby mr jenzie » Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:17 pm


since we're all slowing down in here, since all of you are being very patient, i think it's time to pep it up again :P

but i have been busy writing EPISODE TWO, and atm at a big event type thing and in that writing TWO chapters for it that covers it!

but for this weekend, it's not just ONE chapter ..... it's TWO to finish off the episode!

then off the finish episode two before posting that, so hold on, 'cos it's gonna be a bumpy ride :mrgreen:

here's .....


The silver and black of the walls with the neon light poking through it's spaces, negates a gentle hum of machinery all around, it sounds so serene doesn't it? Except it isn't, as desperate voices in the communications room of the DEATH STAR are rather busy.

Come in FINALISER ..... come in FINALISER!

You still can't get through to the ship?

I can't get through to any ship sir!

Well keep trying, we can't be left defenceless while those Resistance ships are approaching!

But sir, I'm not picking up any ship signals at all .....

What? None at all, can't be.

Suddenly a presence walks into the room, a very commanding presence, with a rather natty cross shaped weapon hanging from his belt. KYLO REN stands there and listens to the almost desperate calls from the communications booths, he goes to OFFICER UNANO as she's surprised at him already standing there.

What is the problem, where is my ship!

We are still trying to establish communication between us and THE FINALISER, but we are having no luck so far .....

How long have you been trying?

Ever since we were buffeted by that solar storm, or what I believe to be a solar storm.

Keep sending a signal out.

And just as suddenly he turns and leaves, leaving OFFICER UNAMO a bit winded, but regains herself and turns back to OFFICER THANNISON.

As soon as you have the ship on the line tell me.

She looks back at the open doorway as the cloak of KYLO REN flaps round it.

Meanwhile in a locked and guarded detention level room sits the forlorn rescuers of one PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA, she looks around at their dejected faces although OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI looks quite pensive, and is about to go over to him and ask when a certain scoundrel pipes up.

Well, didn't this go well? I was perfectly happy in MOS EISLEY getting my life together and gathering payment for my bounty, when all a sudden I was literally taken out of that, and into this mess. Hey kid .....


What is it with you and the old man eh? Do you often kidnap unsuspecting innocent pirates and take them on adventures that lead to their demise?

Hey! This wasn't BEN'S fault, well it was kind off, but that's not the point. It was that message that R2-D2 carried, telling us that this princess was captured and to come rescue her!

That perked up PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA but before she can say anything.

And who took my ship? It was there a minute ago in the docking bay, but now it's gone, and if were not careful we'll all be gone.

PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA tries to speak again.

I felt something ..... something in the force, it was strange and not like when ALDERAAN was destroyed.

He checks himself and puts a hand on PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA'S shoulder out of respect.

It was like a great wave through the force, but nothing like I've felt before, as if everything was changing .....

Like the MILLENNIUN FALCON being there one minute and the next?

Like all things captain, like all things.

I did notice BEN, you had a distant look in your eyes.

Something has fundamentally changed, all of this feels so familiar but not at all, and that planet CAPTAIN SOLO?

Yeah, never seen that there, I thought that was ALDERAAN.

Silence as they all look at HAN SOLO, he sheepishly looks at PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA.

Ahh, sorry your highness.

Suddenly the room door opens and in walks the mighty figure of one DARTH VADER, immediately LUKE SKYWALKER leaps towards him.

You ….. you killed my father!

Instantly the boy is flung to the ground, struck by a force push from the masked giant, he looks down at the fallen figure and stares right through him. VADER then looks up and right into the eyes of OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI.

You will come with me, we have a lot to discuss, the rest of you will stay here until we decide what to do with you.

You felt it too .....

He checks himself before saying his real name, looks at LUKE who is being picked up by CHEWBACCA.

Yes, we do have a lot to discuss, but not before you release the others.

Just you, my old master.

The old warrior looks at the others and goes over to LUKE, still fuming and seething, but settles him down.

Just be patient LUKE, and everything will be explained to you in time, do not attempt to fight someone you have no knowledge of.

But this is the man you said killed my father!

Explain everything, now wait until I return, and hopefully I will have the information as to what is happening.

Including where my ship is?

We placed a tracking beacon on it, as your ship was to lead us to the rebel base, then we would have had it destroyed.

Just like my home planet LORD VADER! If you don't mind I would also like to come with you and see what is going on!

Her stern face sears through the black mask of VADER, he thinks for a moment, then turns and leaves the room. OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI sighs and lets her walk past him.

Please be careful BEN.

Everything will reveal itself to us, just a little time is needed, I will get your release too.

The old man leaves LUKE standing there and out of the door, it sweeps down and clanks, leaving the supposed prisoners none the wiser. HAN SOLO looks incredulous.

Okay I gotta say it ..... where did you dig up that old fossil LUKE? And VADER killed your father? And I'm apparently still talking .....

Everyone still in the cell looks daggers at the pirate.

DARTH VADER walks steadily down the corridor and even though he might be old OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI keeps pace, all the while the white robes of PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA are a few steps behind, she keeps watching and looking for anything that looks like trouble. Pity all around her already looks like trouble, they pass the docking bay the rescuers came into, it looks smaller than she remembers. Then she passes an open area where there are white suited STORMTROOPERS training with blasters on the far side, two of them handle rather large batons that sizzle with energy, then they practice fight with each other.

LY-2199 (NINES)
Keep your baton like this and watch your sides.

You mean like this?

The baton strikes the trooper square on the hip, he falls on the floor wincing, other start laughing.

LY-2199 (NINES)
No not like that, you overexposed your sides, keep it at an angle so you can cover both your front and your side.

JL-1948 (JULES)
Yeah, just like that hehe.

Yeah well, you're next up smart guy.

However the one who catches her eye is the one in the chrome armour standing in the corner giving instructions and encouragement, then the princess walks past it, leaving the training area to it's vigorousness. The chrome covered trooper spots the trailing white of PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA and registers it in her mind.

Where are we going exactly VADER.

Have you got somewhere to go your highness?

OBI WAN, what is going on, you kept going on about changes and things not being what they should be?

I felt it as it rushed past up on the MILLENNIUM FALCON after your planet was destroyed, everything that you know is now either gone completely, or not as we know it. I'm afraid that we might be the only ones out of the rebellion that's left!

What? How could that be possible, what new terrible weapon could do something like that?

None from us your highness. OBI WAN is right as to what happened, I also felt it along with the other jedi on board.

There are others?

Yes indeed.

He turns to OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI all the while continuing walking.

One from your past OBI WAN .....

Then turns forward again.

And one from your future PRINCESS LEIA!

Finally he turns into the main DEATH STAR conference room, sitting around the main table are many officers discussing things like how the heck they got there and why no one is replying to their distress calls, but as soon as VADER enters they all quieten. OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI stops PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA from entering, knowing full well that she would give them a mouthful, but before entering himself spots a figure in the far corner of the room and they lock eyes even at that distance.

My girl, this is not the time to give in to the revenge I can feel inside you, your home planet may be gone and there is nothing I can do about it, but there are many things that you do not know at this time. Can you allow me the time to explain it all to you?

It better be good.

They enter the conference room but as soon as they reach the table a lithe figure appears behind them, they both slowly turns around and stare at the man who ordered the DEATH STAR to fire on ALDERAAN, a man called GRAND MOFF WILHUFF TARKIN.

You'd better take a seat Princess.

Where are the rest of them VADER?

Still in the holding cell.

Good, now can we get on with this, this whole situation is intolerable!

He strides in and takes the top chair all the while PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA seethes with anger, all the time OBI-WAN “BEN” KENOBI keeps turning to the lone figure in the dark corner of the room, a figure with distinctive features and a double headed lightsabre in his hand.

We got something!

Finally, send a request to the FINALISER for personnel and equipment.

Yes sir! Come in FINALISER, requesting assistance.

What a relief, these rumours swirling about were making me very nervous.

FINALISER please respond. FINALISER please resp .....

OFFCIER THANNISON stops in his tacks and stares at the screen in front of him, he turns to the others standing next to him now.

This doesn't make any sense, there's a signal coming through but ..... how far away are we talking?

Charting, wait ..... yes, here it is, plotting it's position. It appears to me moving, moving down to the surface ….. wait, there's another one!

Two of them? Track them, I don't want any more surprises. Track them down to the surface!

Yes sir ….. wait, I have another bigger signal coming through too!

Now we are getting somewhere, signal the FINALISER officer .....

It's not the FINALISER or a STAR DESTROYER sir, it doesn't match any of our coding, it doesn't match anything that we have!

The Resistance!

No sir, not even them ..... sir, instruments are picking up the ship, hmm there's also some signal disruption so I'll try and clean it up as best I can.

Yes you do that ..... inform KYLO REN we have a signal, but do not tell him it isn't the FINALISER, don't want another set of computers destroyed.

Yes sir!

OFFICER UNANO runs out of the control room, while the ones still there start to relax and almost celebrate, but for OFFICER THANNISON that doesn't happen as his screen finally tells him what ship it is.

Umm sir, it definitely isn't one of our ships.

Oh what now!

LIETENANT TANBRIS leans in to look at the screen, then wonders what he is seeing.

That is not a STAR DESTROYER .....

Incoming signal sir, basic registration beacon but it's readable, and we have a name of the ship!

And as they both stare at the screen, as unfamiliar information comes up on it, giving it's basic details of dimensions and it's position. Then it's assigned name appears and that shocks the onlookers.

That's not one of ours, that's its designation, it's name?

Yes sir ..... The U.S.S. CYGNUS?

They look at the ghostly shape of the unfamiliar ship as it flickers on the screen, and can't make head nor tail of it's specifications, and as for the big swirly thing behind it?

okay folks, we're getting nicely into it now, but i wouldn't settle back just yet, tomorrow brings that final chapter ..... and believe me ..... IT'S A DOOZY!
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mr jenzie
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Postby mr jenzie » Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:50 pm

and finally it's the end
a much better EPISODE ONE perhaps

and i hope that NO ONE is also writing about a computer that keeps humans in servitude and that one of them fights back .....

but enough of me prattling on

TIME FOR STORY ..... erm ..... TIME!


It was quiet.

Too quiet.

Except for a nosey girl sneaking out of her room and into the corridor, RAPUNZEL dressed in her nightgown and slippers, so not to make even a squeak. PASCAL however was not.

Can't you tip toe quieter? Can't have you waking the whole tower up ..... wait a moment, haha there's no one else but us! And why am I whispering?

RAPUNZEL giggles as she suddenly skips about the corridor singing loudly, PASCAL just looks at her.

Shh shh hehe.

She smiles at PASCAL and stops skipping like a loon, calms herself and straight up walks to the door of MOTHER GOTHEL, taking a key from somewhere and she slips it into the lock.

Now then, let's see what the really good stuff is that MOTHER GOTHEL has.

The girl slowly slides the key into the lock and pushes the door open, it hits the beams slightly and the clock on it ticks just once, then silent again. Tip toeing in she looks around and pinpoints the chest in the corner, quietly and daintily she approaches it and places her hand on it to open it, because well, she has done this many times ..... going into MOTHER GOTHEL'S room and having a right good rummage in all the artefacts here.

Ooh wait a minute, what's that over there?

Out of the corner of her eye she spots something glowing, and like a small fish caught in the light of a bigger more toothy angler fish, she wanders over to gawk at it. Her hand leaves the top of the chest but doesn't even realise it slowly creaking open, inside the two sun coins at opposite sides of the inside are not only glowing themselves, but the sun emblem on their faces are turning. RAPUNZEL'S gaze is only for the flower in the ordinary plant pot.

Ooh you are pretty aren't you, I've never seen you before, oh wait silly me you must be that flower that make MOTHER GOTHEL'S hair all nice and soft ..... wonder if it will make mine like that?

She almost touches it but notices something else besides it, that sparkly cat collar, and she reaches out for that.

I like this, wonder how I look with it on.

Then RAPUNZEL just ever so glances a touch on it, and also with her other hand unconsciously touches the glowing flower.

Then everything goes bonkers!

Suddenly the air crackles with incredible energy as the two sun coins release their pent up energy, THE CHANGE comes and boy does it get release. It blasts into the room whipping around it with tremendous ferocity, striking the walls and rebounding off everything, but for RAPUNZEL is standing there, as if time itself stands still for the girl. Her eyes are wide as not only the flower glows intensely but the cat collar, one of those special space cat collars that is telepathic, and it begins to show her things.

First thing she sees in her minds' eye is something her parents have only mentioned to her, her birth, and she sees that her mother is very sick. And then she sees a woman standing over her, her face is terrifying and ugly as she cackles and laughs at her mother lying there, RAPUNZEL also stands there and tries to cry out to stop this old crone from doing any harm. But suddenly this cat appears, a cat that has the very same sparkly collar on that she is touching back in the real world, and jumps up onto bed besides her mother. The cat collar starts to glow and begin the healing process .....

And her hair begins to glow and grow.

But then it jumps away and shows RAPUNZEL something very different indeed, it is stormy and dark, there's water splashing about, and then something falls from the sky ..... it has the remnants of a large sail attached to it, and it falls, and it falls towards her .....

And her hair glows stronger and grows longer.

Then the vision changes again, to a far brighter picture, of a giant gleaming structure rising almost as high at the tower she lives in, but this tower is much bigger and crackles with electrical bolts from it. It dwarfs RAPUNZEL in size as she looks up to it in amazement ..... then a hand is placed on her shoulder .....

And her hair is almost on fire as it gives off a incredible golden glow, and it doesn't stop growing in length, it's almost at the floor now.

She glances at the hand on her shoulder but it's not a hand, it has claws, sharp ferocious claws. She quickly turns around and she's what can only be described as a ghastly monster covered in white fur, she falls to the ground in terror as the creature looms over her, and she screams .....

RAPUNZEL'S hair is growing so fast now it's almost at the door now.

Once again what she sees changes, but now it's four shadowy figures looking down at her, behind then a great whirling feature starts sucking in everything there, the four figures disintegrate and are drawn into the great maw. It approaches poor RAPUINZEL but before it reaches her it shatters like glass ..... and a distant voice says .....

Time is not on your side

And back in the real world the flower pot shatters like a flower pot and RAPUNZEL screams, she's released from the cat collar's power and supernatural flower, but her scream is cut short as THE CHANGE stops billowing and suddenly draws into the girl, then in an instant it releases with an unbelievable ferocity, and blows a huge hole in the side of the tower! Sending brick and mortar and glass and anything that's in the way cascading outwards and crashes onto the soft ground, and in the distance MOTHER GOTHEL gets shocked out of her concentration and jumps up!

What in the name of frying pans?

Then she panics and realises the direction it has come from.




that was a surprise wasn't it :o
finally RAPUNZEL gets her long golden hair, but will it be as you THINK you know it?
and does she even survive THE CHANGE?
and those visions eh?
and is MOTHER GOTHEL'S insurance gonna go up with her tower being blown up?
and what about the other things in EPISODE ONE like will CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW get his gizzards skewered because of his birthday gift?
or will that dastardly JAFAR marry off JASMINE to a big slug? and will JANGO FETT punch that git in the face?
and POCAHONTAS too meeting up with the "bag guys" from THE BLACK HOLE?
and will HAN SOLO get his ship back, after NALI PELEKAI with LILO ad STITCH ..... and what will happen when THE DEATH STAR meets the U.S.S. CYGNUS?
and don't forget about THE HULK, will they catch up with him?
and what's the deal-io with MALIFICENT being a goodie eh WHAT'S THAT ABOUT ..... mwahahahahahahaha :mrgreen: oh dear poor readers, you will NEVER SEE IT COMING!!! i'm playing the long game here .....

we'll find out in EPISODE TWO what the deal-io is ..... OR WILL WE???
still plenty of surprises to come!

and as a teeny tiny spoiler for that
let's just say i'm starting EPISODE TWO with a song
but from a totally DIFFERENT view point!!!

it'll be a while as i'm finishing all of EPISODE TWO before i start posting it, but stay patient .....
and THANK YOU for reading my nonsense :D
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mr jenzie
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