Why is there no Candace figure?

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Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby buckmana » Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:05 am

Granted, I'm not a Phineas and Ferb fan, but while I was trying to find some info about P&F unlocks, I came across a character bio of Candace which detailed her physical abilities:

Given her obvious skills in physical combat, I'm surprised she didn't qualify to be a figure of her own. :?
It looks like she's got all the ingredients of a good action girl there.
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby Quasimodo » Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:34 am

I would buy a Candace figure. I'm not sure if there is going to be a Phineas and Ferb playset or not, but if there is she would have a better chance. I couldn't see them making her until after they made Ferb, and I couldn't see them making 4 characters for a series without a playset.
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby Musicboy74 » Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:44 am

The future may hold one for us...
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby tangled&tron » Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:36 pm

I like the girl who always asks Phineas and Ferb... "what'chaaaaaa dooooo'in?" :lol: And if there ever was a Disney franchise (other than Toy Story that is) that fits perfectly with DI... IMO it is Phineas and Ferb. That PS3 game Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension was such a gooooood game... it was like a nearly perfect kids' game IMO.
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby buckmana » Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:11 pm

Unfortunately, the odds aren't high we'll see whoever that is (I assume it's one of the Fireside girls).

Judging from what they've done so far, it looks like they're putting in minimal effort as far as extra characters go.
Heck in some cases, even some of the lead characters didn't make it in!
Frozone in Incredibles, Kristoff and Olaf from Frozen, Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas and the other Sally from Cars to choose some examples.

So the odds of getting secondary characters are probably non-existent.

I am surprised that Ferb didn't make it in though, isn't he one of the lead characters? :?

And can you please clarify the statement "fits perfectly"?
I don't see how anything can fit perfectly, from my point of view, everything and anything belongs, nothing is better then something else.
That is, unless the DI dev team go completely off the rails and start putting in things that aren't specific to Disney (Marvel, Star Wars, Avatar?).

In any case, I'm likely to get quite cranky if they start doing that before they finish up with the Disney stuff.
For example, if I see Luke Skywalker coming in before they've done a complete gamut of the tv series (including P&F), then something is really going wrong! :o :shock:

2nd Dimension? :?
They were travelling across width? :?
In this order, height, width, depth, space, time, thought.
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby ntnon » Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:58 am


1) Frozone and the Sallies are not main characters. The main characters from The Incredibles are all already represented, as is the sole main character from Nightmare Before Christmas.

2) Isabella is the main secondary character in Phineas and Ferb (presuming that P&F and Candace; Perry and Doofenshmirtz are the five "main" ones). She's the Sally or Frozone-level one.

3) Perry and Phineas were (presumably) picked because they are BOTH 'the' main character - of the primary story and the sub story. (N.B. If at any point this gets confusing: WATCH PHINEAS AND FERB! It's really good. :)

4) Disney Infinity is an adventure game with missions crossed with an unlimited-imagination building game. Phineas & Ferb is an adventure show featuring missions and unlimited-imagination protagonists who build the impossible. Perfect fit.

5) Avatar is Fox; Disney owns Marvel and Star Wars, so they are as 'Disney' as Pixar and with MUCH greater fanbases and recognition. They should both probably be given their own game, but it would not be surprising to see figures sooner than later.

6) 2nd Dimension. It's a multi-referential pun: animation is 2D; many movies are being released with the "3D" tag prominently displayed; they travel to a 'second dimension', etc., etc.
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby buckmana » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:29 am

I guess my criteria for defining main characters is a little different then yours.

I define them as a major driving force, Frozone and the Sallies both had major impacts on their movies.
Even all the sequel material categorizes Frozone as a major character.
Oddly, Syndrome is not even counted at all (most likely because he's dead!).
Also, I can't recall anyone else in Nightmare before Christmas (aside from Oogey Boogey) who you could categorize as a major character, so it's a choice between him, Sally or nobody!

I expect if we ever see Isabella, it'll be as an NPC only (like Mirage). Probably as a mission giver.
But we'll need an worldset for that, I doubt we'll get her without one.

I always found P&F a bit formulaic.
It seems every episode goes like this:
Phineas and Ferb build something.
Candace tries to get them in trouble for making it.
Something in the secondary storyline gets them out of trouble (followed by Candace having a psychotic episode).
Throw in the Fireside Girls doing something or other and that's the episode.

At least, that is my impression, based on what I've read on the subject.
I reviewed some episode descriptions to get an idea of what the show about.
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby ntnon » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:33 pm

That's fine - opinions differ!

"Main" to me is both integral to the plot of the original film(s) and widely-associated and recognised. So Frozone is - sorry! - nowhere. I haven't seen the film in ages, and don't remember him being anything more than occasionally there, being "Iceman"* and Samuel L. Jackson. Not that it should be widely relied on, but the plot summary at Wikipedia mentions that he & Bob occasionally moonlight. The End.

Sally isn't in the book, and her main role in the film is to stand on the sidelines... you're right about the number of (memorable) characters: Jack (dog), Sally (scientist), Oogie Boogie, Santa.... mayor? Plus trick 'n' treaters. Lack of characters doesn't define role, though - to me - hence my opinion that there's really only one main character in Nightmare Before Christmas.

Never seen any Cars'. So my knowledge of the characters comes from the outside - the main characters are Lightning McQueen and Mater. Then Paul Newman, Michael Caine and Emily Mortimer's characters. Plus apparently "Francesco"

Isabella's far enough down the line that she's unlikely to be a character anytime soon, you're right - and mission giver would be a good fit if or when. Ferb, Dr. D and Candace have to be next - if any.

As for your finding the show formulaic, though - I say you're wrong and right. Consider rewording your sentence thusly:

"I always find episodes of TV shows - particularly those aimed young - a bit formulaic. It seems every episode goes like..." ;) :D

It's the name of the game (TV). And, more to the point, the programme makers know it and subvert/comment on it on a regular basis. How many shows do a time travel episode where they revisit their own first episode? And how many of those (there are a few) change it and use that change to comment on the grandfather paradox..? Many shows have musical episodes, but has any other show re-made their own pilot as a full musical..?! Many shows break the fourth wall - and some to comment on the ridiculousness of the proceedings - but I doubt there are many "kids" shows that do it regularly or as knowingly and wittily. The best example is the delivery of Dr. D's line in one episode where he says something like "this isn't a TV show, Perry the Platypus! This is... real...... life........." followed by an awkward pause as they both look at the viewer/camera/screen.

The formula is there, and fairly strict, but there's more than enough wit and cleverness even in the strictest-formula-following episodes to amuse and admire. The songs are great, too. But the formula-buckers are better: the complimentary Temple of Sap/Bubble Boy is clever by giving Isabella her own formula-following episode, while the Science Fair duo uses the second episode to pointedly address the obvious question the first episode left. Plus the "Queen of Mars" song is brilliant musically and lyrically.

I think the passage of time has dimmed some of the creativity a little, though. But the best episodes are probably among the best episodes of any show made. ;)

Bring on solo Ferb and then a Candace & Doof playset!

*And Iceman is probably the least of the X-Men
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Re: Why is there no Candace figure?

Postby buckmana » Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:09 am

Well, comparing P&F to the other Disney cartoons, it is indeed formulaic.
Case in point, Lilo&Stitch.
They had a formula too (experiment activates, Stitch chases experiment, Experiment gets their new home).
But they made every episode original, because they kept finding ways to do it differently.
However, since I've only seen 1.5 episodes of P&F, I can't say definitely what it is like.

Truth be told, given the problems with obtaining official dvds or iTunes videos of my favourite shows, I was getting rather jaded at that point and said, okay, I'm going to start limiting myself and only be interested in the very best shows.
P&F just didn't reach the bar to be counted as one of those.
There's no shame in that, many shows don't have my seal of approval, I'm quite discerning when it comes to declaring a show as "one of my favorites".

And I don't believe shows aimed at the young suffer from this problem, witness the infinite number of CSI whatevers.
I laughed when I read a comic set 100 years in the future and they had a tv channel that was composed of nothing but CSI shows, one for every city in America. :lol:

Yes, Frozone and Sally (NBC) don't appear to do much, but if you really analyse it, they do have major impact on the events.
For example, if Frozone wasn't there, Mirage wouldn't have located Mr Incredible (she found him by following Frozone around) and therefore, the movie would have played out completely differently, given that Mr Incredible wouldn't have gone to Syndrome's Island and they'd have never had a chance to practice using their powers before fighting the final Omnidroid.

As for Sally, she's trying to prevent Jack from making his colossal mistake (she has a premonition that shows her Jack's plan is doomed) and then she tries her best to fix his mistakes when she can't dissuade him.
Zero is just a gag joke, he doesn't do much in the movie.
Claus plays a minimal part, we only see him very briefly and his interaction with the characters is pretty minimal at best.
The Mayor etc are just secondary characters.
Even the Mayor says he doesn't know how to run the town without Jack.

The major characters in Cars are Lightning, Sally, Mater, Finn McMissile and Holley.
Sally was the driving force in reforming Lightning from a selfish jerk into a nice guy, assisted partially by Mater.
In the second movie, Finn and Holley are driving the story, since it's mostly about them and Mater trying to defeat the villains. Oddly, Lightning's presence is minimalized in this movie, even though it's all about him.
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