Incredibles Playset... Completely stuck

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Incredibles Playset... Completely stuck

Postby DigDoug » Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:25 pm

This is because I probably clicked through a tutorial somewhere, but I cannot figure out how to use the hoverboard. There's a mission to escort the mayor to a Luau, I can't make it past the first buoy. And another where they say you have to use the hoverboard to reach some higher buildings, and I'm at a total loss.

and don't get me started on the number of times I've drop kicked a guy using the glider, instead of swooped down.

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Re: Incredibles Playset... Completely stuck

Postby RedDeerRebel » Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:34 pm

I didn't have as many issues with the hoverboard (although it took me a bit getting used to). I just beat the main story of the incredables so I'll try to help out here.

I never had an issue with getting to the island, but had similar issues getting OFF the island. It appears that if you just drive over the water for a bit the hoverboard sinks. The trick of getting to the island is to pass over the bouy as well as the island with the tower.

I never had an issue with it dropping when I tried to go building to building but if it starts to dip you can jump with it and put it away as well that will give you some height and momentum in your direction of travel.

Don't worry too much about using it to get the items in the capsules when you get the helicopter they become a lot easier to get!
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Re: Incredibles Playset... Completely stuck

Postby Ignohippo » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:28 am

DigDoug: I haven't done the buoy mission yet, but the hoverboard can't rise, so you have to climb a taller building nearby and fly over to it (I only know because we were stuck on that today as well for about an hour).

RedDeerRebel: Bridges will appear to the islands once you've completed one of the missions. No need to try to get to them via hoverboard. It sounds like you may just be on a track of missions from someone who's sending you before you've completed the missions necessary from another character.
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Re: Incredibles Playset... Completely stuck

Postby RedDeerRebel » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:01 am

Oh I know the bridges appear (as I mentioned in the post I beat the incredibles play set), yet traveling to/from the island that you have to go to can be tricky due to the limited time you can travel over water.
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Re: Incredibles Playset... Completely stuck

Postby OCinfinityFan » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:59 am

the trick with the hover board is that you can't jump. it will just make you fall into the water. just glide right off the pier. moving on from each floating object without jumping.
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