Worried: Here's why.

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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby Randall Boggs » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:45 am

I'm still scared.
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby Chewbacca » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:00 am

The scared is scared? I thinks there is going to be a scareseption soon.
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby Infinityfan » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:53 pm

I'm not worried because I believe what Sherriff says and you should too
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby Sheriff Woody » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:12 pm

^ thank you @Infinityfan at last some sanity returns to this topic ;)
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby Bill the Lizard » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:45 pm

As long as the games continue to not suck it will continue to sell. As long as it continues to sell they will keep making it. Look at all the franchises in games that will probably go on into perpetuity. Madden, Call of Duty, Halo, Uncharted and more. They get more popular with each iteration now and so the studios spend more on them and make them cooler so more people want to buy them (perhaps with the exception of Madden). If anything the fan base will grow and it will feed on itself. The more people spend the more Disney will spend to make it better and the more people will buy it. Why do I predict this when they have only made one game? If anyone knows how to keep a popular franchise relevant and marketable forever it is Disney. I mean "The Disney Vault" was genius. They make the release of a 50 year old movie that has been released 3 times before into a big deal that people actually care about. They just need to be careful how much money they ask people to spend. If it gets to be too much people will walk away for a while. If anything, I think they will release fewer figures in future versions. It will increase the longevity of the game and prevent the purchase fatigue that could set in. They could make up for fewer figure releases by patching playsets at intervals with expanded areas and missions so people remain interested in the game. Who knows I'm not as creative as these guys? They will come up with something creative to get people to buy the next one and use all the figures they already have with something new to do with them, maybe not with DI2 but in the future. They will want to keep this thing rolling (or tuck it away for a big re-release a few years later, hold onto your figures kids nostalgia is always in style).
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby Jessica Roger » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:30 pm

Modeltrainman has hit the nail on the head. DI2 has to stay new.

But since All the cars, pirates, monsters, are exactly the same in each set, Avalanche has a real problem of same old same old facing them.

I am very excited for DI2 what ever it will be, but they need to make the toys different.
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby Flynn. » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:54 pm

In reply to Sheriff Woody, I understand that you will not have to buy more portal.
But, seeing that each figure is near 15$, and most of them have the same abilities, we need to get what we pay for. Regular skylanders are about 8$, all with different abilities and looks.
If Disney Infinity is to survive, they will have to lower the price point. It is ridiculous.
Now, I am fine with the continuation, I ENCOURAGE the continuation of Disney Infinity, it has a lot more potential that can go on for even decades.
However, most people will turn their head at the fact of spending thousands of dollars to enjoy the full experience.
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby tangled&tron » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:17 am

@Bill the Lizard - Yah, Madden was a bad example and the only CoD game I ever played was the first Modern Warfare, so wouldn't know about that. IMO we'll soon see though how DI handles their success by just exactly how much is improved in the new DI2 toy box. Will they basically keep it the same, add just enough new features for the marketing team to justify any "new features" promos... or will they actually go all out by giving builders more story telling capabilities.
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Re: Worried: Here's why.

Postby bloxxerman » Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:57 am

That's the one thing Skylanders have on Disney Infinity. Every single figure plays in a unique and interesting way. They need to make each Infinifigure more unique, that shouldn't be too hard with wolverine and spider man though! :-D
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