Character Combat Tier List

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Character Combat Tier List

Postby mcnichoj » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:47 am

I'm really into competitive gaming and I figure some of you are too so I thought it would be cool to list how effective various characters are in PVP (Player vs Player i.e. fighting).
This only accounts for the characters themselves, no toy box/playset unlockables or power discs.
-These are just like my opinions man, not fact.
-If you don't care about doing PVP matches then none of this matters to you, you can have fun with the game as-is and still get enjoyment from a character I say is "bad".
-This is not everyone as I have not fully tested everyone, even if I have tested them it's possible I could have missed something.

Davy Jones/Jack Sparrow/Barbosa

Ms. Incredible




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Cars characters

Okay here's for the breakdown of placements.

Pirates characters
I have no idea if they have any differences between them but they all appear to play the same to me. (They have different finishers, need to test further.)
Sword is pretty deadly, has very good homing range.
The Flintlock pistol is pretty good for getting people outside of your homing range but the reload sucks but is irrelevant as long as you're doing the bread 'n butter melee x4, pistol, melee x4 combo or some variation.

His melee. Just what?
So much pressure and you can just spam away with it for days. It's possible though to get out of or miss, so no guaranteed kills but definitely one of the easier characters to learn and do well with.
His super speed is pretty useless for both offense and defense.
Offensively you can't control it well enough to hit a opponent multiple times and it takes to long to finish to be a plausible setup for a melee combo.
Defensively it takes too long to start to run away, normal dodge is more practical.

Ms. Incredible
Oh God that range, it's super long.
Beat 'em up, grab your opponent, bring them back and kill them before they can do anything like it was a match of Marvel vs Capcom 3.
Reason she's not the best is because it is possible to miss or dodge the grab.
Her hand can save her from being tossed into the abyss.

She's like the benchmark for if a character is good or not.
She can go invisible and run away or go invisible and get you from behind.
If you have no means of finishing her off in one go, get ready to start damaging her from 100% health again. Characters above her can do this, characters below can't.
If that all wasn't enough she does great damage too.

Has a great melee, great range but he's not consistent. Just like Ms. Incredible it's possible to miss or be dodged but a little more so with Syndrome.
His zero point sucks. First you have to grab your opponent with it and then you'll be lucky if they don't jump out of it.

Not as bad as I initially thought but still not much better. Really no surprise that all the characters from a non-combat orientated franchise are poor at combat.
He can take hits, he can setup a scream into melee x2 combo or do that in reverse but he seems pretty inconsistent from what I played.

Mike is just a super squishy worse version of Sully.
You can do the melee x2 into scream combo but that isn't going to kill anyone and his scream leaves him vulnerable for a second which is enough time for a opponent to recover and use a combo on you.
Did I mention he's squishy? A combo or two and you'll be watching yourself explode into pieces.

He has "meh" range, damage and attack speed.
He can turn invisible but you can still see him slightly, so if you're in a flat small arena map get ready to get stampeded by buffalo.
He's basically the poor mans Violet and the only thing he has going for him is his dodge seems to be faster, longer and he can link more dodges together.
Just having the ability to run and not fight doesn't help you win fights.

Cars characters
Ever heard the saying "don't bring a talking car to a fist fight"? Well you just did.
Stick to racing if you want to PVP with a car.
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Re: Character Combat Tier List

Postby mcnichoj » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:14 am

-Removed Lone Ranger, I will play him and Tonto more before adding either.
-I'm pretty comfortable with the current list, just missing the above two mentioned characters and Mr. Incredible.

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Re: Character Combat Tier List

Postby Tinker Tom » Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:05 am

I have found Sorcerer Mickey to be my best PVP figure.

The developers even said they made Mickey the most Powerful. His long range magic attack is pretty amazing. I got lucky and got one before the game came out and the price of this figure skyrocketed.

If you want to lay some smack down on friends, he is your guy!
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Re: Character Combat Tier List

Postby Notorious » Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:56 am

Mickey is teh best. As the poster above me said, his magic burst attack is so OP. Put two bolt disc and go to town. It automatically hones in on the nearest enemies so there no issue aiming, and you can spam it like crazy effectively not letting the opponent even get out of the spaming combo
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Re: Character Combat Tier List

Postby LaughingLolz » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:38 am

Elsa should be pretty top tier considering she freezes her opponents with a ground pound and her infinite snow ball toss is excellent.
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Re: Character Combat Tier List

Postby killercore007 » Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:10 pm

I would say Vanellope is top tier, if not near it. Her basic attack is fast and can be followed up by bombs, which she comes with. The main reason for the top tier though, is her dodge. It's stupid good. From what I've seen, all other characters I've used can do 2 dodges before they become vulnerable for a bit. Vanellope doesn't have that, meaning you can spam it all day long, and it's crazy fast. Her dodge can make her run away really fast and basically outmanuver you most of the time.
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