Six requests/guidelines about playing with me.

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Six requests/guidelines about playing with me.

Postby Modeltrainman » Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:58 am

1. Tell me your IF username. I really don't like thinking some random person bought Infinity and wants to play. I like you all here, so include your username, please. If I haven't added you, I don't have your IF info.
2. Don't just randomly beat up my party members. Altair and my brother(InfinityWheels) were playing with me,recently, and I want everyone to have fun, but we were trying to get the Acrobat trophy.
3.Don't just destroy, build. This goes along with 3. We don't need to ruin each other's creations.
4. My brother will often play, so unless noted, I only have room for two others at a time. If you ask nicely, I'll see if my brother will drop out fo you.
5. Lord willing, I'm hoping to work for Disney, Avalanche, and Pixar, so please don't ask me to issue tools that got mistakenly released. I don't want to do anything that may make Disney frown on me when the time comes.
6. Play nice. (Yeah, same as Woody's.)Thanks for understanding, and to Infinity and beyond, and God bless,
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Re: Six requests/guidelines about playing with me.

Postby altiareagle » Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:52 am

I agree to working with this rules really easily. :D
I admit that i broke number two by fighting against those not helping us for the trophy which proved ineffective. :(
I also did number two accidentally due to the chain moves against enemies and then continuing on people in the way.
I don't wanna be the guy who makes you drop out your flesh and blood so i'll easily drop out and rejoin upon another invite. :D
On number five i tried to get others to help me but they said it was impossible so i think that's automatically ruled out but i'm not sure.
"I altiareagle hereby complia-by to following these rules unless allowed otherwise due to wanting the same treatment for myself."
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Re: Six requests/guidelines about playing with me.

Postby Randall Boggs » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:56 am

Wait, 'issue tools that mistakenly released'? You have those? Or are you just saying that for when ;) you work for Disney?
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Re: Six requests/guidelines about playing with me.

Postby Modeltrainman » Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:14 am

@Randall, don't ask me to generate a frying pan. Not now, and certainly not when I work for Avalanche.
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Re: Six requests/guidelines about playing with me.

Postby altiareagle » Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:04 pm

I think it also doesn't even work too. So if no one that asked before got it, its much less even possible.
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