Ballot Box

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Ballot Box

Postby jkhouw1 » Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:27 pm

Ballot Box

Description - The Ballot Box is a toy that can keep track of up to 10 votes on each of two different options, 'A' and 'B'. When the target number of votes (adjustable in properties) is reached, on one of the options, it can be used to trigger an event. Optionally, a tally (count) of the all the votes can be forced at anytime, and an event can be triggered based on A or B having more votes, or the two being tied. Note: This is 10 TOTAL votes, not 10 for A and 10 for B. There are only 10 Vote slots.

Target 'A' Votes- Value between 1 and 10 which sets the number of votes required to trigger an event automatically
Target 'B' Votes - Value between 1 and 10 which sets the number of votes required to trigger an event automatically

Cast 'A' Vote (Ballot 1-10) When you choose Cast 'A' Vote, you will be forced to tell the Ballot Box which Ballot Slot you are setting (1-10). If, for example, you have 10 buttons, and each button is tied to "Cast 'A' Vote:Ballot Slot 1", pressing all 10 buttons will only result in a single vote for Option A. This also means that if you have a single button, it can only be tied to a single ballot slot, and as a result, no matter how many times a player or different players press that button, it will only vote for option A one time. (Two players pressing the same button will NOT result in two votes for that option).
Cast 'B' Vote(Ballot 1-10) Same as Cast 'A' but for option B
Tally Results Forces a count on all votes made so far and will trigger the appropriate Tally Output event
Reset Resets the toy clearing any votes.

Target 'A' Votes Reached Will fire an event when the number of votes set in the properties for Target A has been reached. This event can fire multiple times (For example the target count is 2, and Ballot A-1 and Ballot A-2 have both been voted on via two independent buttons. If you press either button again, the trigger will fire again)
Target 'B' Votes ReachedSame as Target 'A' Votes Reached but for option B
A' Majority Tally Will fire an event when when a Tally has been forced and A has more votes
B' Majority Tally Will fire an event when when a Tally has been forced and B has more votes
Tally Tied Will fire an event when when a Tally has been forced and A and B have the same number of votes

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Re: Ballot Box

Postby jkhouw1 » Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:39 pm

In my opinion, because when you assign another creativi-toy to vote on an Option you are forced to select which Ballot Slot for that option you are setting, this toy is less useful as a voting mechanism and more useful as a complex dual-action trigger.

for example lets say you wanted to perform some event ONLY if the player has reached a trigger area, collected a key, an pastry, and killed a wave of enemies.
You could do this with a trigger area, key, pastry, enemy generator - but if you don't care about the order of events, you will need multiple logic gates and/or dual triggers to keep track everything.

With the ballot box its simply set the properties of Vote A to 4, then tie trigger area->Ballot A:1, Key collected ->Ballot A:2, Pastry Collected->Ballot A:3, Enemy wave generator wave defeated->Ballot A:4.
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Re: Ballot Box

Postby thebaroness89 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:32 am

THATS what that does? I would have so used that before..I thought it was a multiplayer tool. Thanks for spelling it out for me- this may cure some headaches I have had with past boxes.
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Re: Ballot Box

Postby jkhouw1 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:56 am

@thebaroness89 : i think its intended to be a multiplayer tool - but its too cludgy to use efficiently that way, especially since you can't tie a single event to continue to increment the vote for A or B (unless you get complicated and use a logic gate chain - but then you probably don't need this tool). Basically it stores one of two values in any of 10 slots, then you can trigger an event off a count of one value or the other value reaching a certain discrete limits, or you can trigger a count to see if there is more, less or the same number of each value. So it can be used as an N-action trigger where n is a value from 1 to 10, or other semi-complex conditional tracking tool.
Unfortunately you can't know which slot has what value so if you have 10 triggers that may put value A or value B in one of the slots, you don't know which slot contains what value simply by inspecting or querying the Ballot Tool. You can only know three things:
WHEN the count of A exceeds a threshold (and every time its incremented beyond that threshold)
WHEN the count of B exceeds a threshold (and every time its incremented beyond that threshold)
AND/OR At any given time you can 'query' if the count of A is less than, equal to, or greater than, the count of B

There are quite a few useful tricks you can do knowing the above if you use your imagination.
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Re: Ballot Box

Postby thebaroness89 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:04 am

SO if I'm understanding right- you can make an adventure box and implement the ballot boxes so that the game truly is multi-ending, rarely ever the same game twice. For example if a player only finds 3 gold orbs, defeats 6 enemies, finds one pastry then the ballot box will fire off something entirely different than the player who finds 10 pastries and beats 20 enemies... so long as you program in the possible alternate outcomes.. I'm just trying to alleviate the load I'm putting on the randomizers I use. I'm definitely going to start experimenting
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Re: Ballot Box

Postby jkhouw1 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:29 am

Well sort of.

Lets say you do the following:
Collectible Tracker(Gold):final item collected => Ballot Box:Cast A Vote:Slot 1 (here they need to get every orb)
Enemy Wave Generator:Wave Defeated ==> Ballot Box: Cast A Vote: Slot 2
Collectible Tracker(Pastry):item collected ==>Ballot Box:Cast A vote slot 3 (here i don't care how many so long as they got at least one)

Ballot Box:Target A Reached ==> Do something

Here you would know as soon as the player has completed all three tasks. If you tied the Do something to close a logic gate, at the end you could have the player enter a trigger area ==>logic Gate:Output==>You didn't complete everything or Logic Gate:Input Blocked ==>Yay you finished all the tasks.

Alternatively if you had 5 "Good" events (save people, collect things etc, and 5 "Bad" things (put a person in a collection pen, kill an enemy (if thats bad), kill another player etc)
you could put each of the 5 good events as A votes in a slot, and the 5 bad events as B votes in a slot. Then at the end you could by tallying see if the person was overall a good or bad guy for example.

Or 10 events, each with 2 possible outcomes going into each slot - but remember, at the end the tallying can only tell you have more of A than B, not the outcome of each individual event. or if you reached a target value of either A or B (or both) along the way.
I hope I'm making sense.
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