Superpowered Beatdowns

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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby altiareagle » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:52 pm

Didn't he also toss villains into the flash force? I'm still torn...
What if IM has fought him long enough head on to calculate his capabilities?
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby buckmana » Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:05 am

Iron Man's armor has the ability to seal the helmet and provide life support for a significant amount of time, so removing the air around him won't work.
Also, Iron Man's rocket jets will function in the vaccum of space, so they also don't need air.

I couldn't find any data on the current Iron Man armor, but Tony upgrades it so often, it keeps changing abilities.
So my information is based on the last known specifications.

The Iron Man weapons can be set for area attack mode, which will pretty much vaporize anything you throw at them.
In addition, he can set the chest repulsor to reverse mode, which will return the thrown object/s to the sender at the speed it was travelling.
Also, the Iron Man armor is harder then most known alloys, so even with the force of speed the Flash can throw things, it'd wouldn't be powerful enough to get through the armor.
Also, the armor has a self-repair mode of sorts, replacing damaged outer and inner layers during battle.
Plus, if worst comes to worst, there's an emergency forcefield that can be engaged to protect the suit from damage.

As regards targeting the Flash properly, a pinpoint shot is not necessary, just aiming in the general area will do.
The most devastating weapon in the Iron Man armor is the pulse bolts, the further they travel through the air, the more powerful they get.
So by putting distance between him and them, the Flash is just increasing the damage they will inflict when they catch up to him!
Basically, Iron Man would be tearing up the ground around him and if you're running away, you can't look up and back to avoid the shots.
Especially if he's firing AOE, which don't need to hit you directly to do damage.

And about speed, I calculated that as well.
The Flash does not travel at the speed of light, otherwise he'd be invisible when he moves and you can definitely see him.
Speed of sound is about as fast as he gets.
Unfortunately for him, Iron Man can match that speed in flight, hence why there's no escape.
Also, considering that they're travelling at the same speed, Iron Man could just engage boost mode (increases his speed about normal operational specifications temporarily) and just ram him!
The force of impact from the Iron Man armor at that speed would break all his bones and crush his soft tissue.
While we're on the topic of speed, the Flash can outrun projectile weapon shots, which move at the speed of sound, but the weapons in Iron Man's armor are energy based, meaning they travel at the greater speed of light (with the exception of the pulse bolts, which move slower then that due to the nature of their function). But they're still pretty fast, so they're close to the speed of light.
So if Iron Man fires at the Flash, he's going to hit him!

I've no idea if Speedball is as fast as the Flash, but he's pretty fast and Iron Man had no trouble smacking him around.
Which would indicate that the reflexes of the Iron Man armor are pretty fast.
At one point, Iron Man pulls him out of the air when he accidentally hits maximum acceleration.

And while I was looking up the Flash's abilities, I did read about the Speedforce.
But I think that's something DC made up to revive fading interest, so for the sake of baseline calculation, I ignored it and just worked off Flash's stated abilities.
Which is what I was alluding to earlier, during the course of this thread, the research I did makes it appear that DC will just invent new ideas for the sake of being awesome to keep interest level high.

I should point out for the sake of fairness, Marvel is also guilty of doing this, but they're not as obvious about it as DC are.
Which is why I work off "established baselines" and not whatever "awesomeness" either of these companies added later.

This Speedforce one is particularly suspicious to me, because it sounds like they stole the concept of Phoenix Force from Marvel.

And while I'm not a DC fan, I am approaching this from an unbiased point of view.
It someone wants to take it to flamewarring area, I'm not going to oblige them.
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby killa-bunnah » Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:04 am

Ok, now I'm unsure... :lol: , I love the Flash...but after seeing all of the facts and info Buckmana used to back Iron Man, I now seriously think Barry would lose...Oh dear :mrgreen:
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby altiareagle » Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:51 pm

I think it's safe to say the Iron Man wins. :D
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby crazybirdman » Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:58 am

Where did you find out that Flash can only hit the speed of sound?
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby buckmana » Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:15 am

Laws of physics.

I'll repeat it again for your benefit.

If something moves at the speed of light, it exceeds the visual threshold time scale (roughly, 1/60th-1/50th of a second).
Therefore, it turns invisible, because you can't see it while it's in motion.

But if you're moving at the speed of sound, you'll remain visible.
Since everytime I've seen the Flash run, you can see him, therefore he's not travelling at the speed of light.

I've only seen one superhuman run fast enough to break the visual threshold, Jamie from Proximity Effect.
While she was in motion, you couldn't see her.
But as soon as she stopped running, she became visible again.
Unfortunately for her, Lisa (superheroine) severed Jamie's ankle tendons with a handful of thrown wooden shards and she lost the ability to walk, let alone run, at which point she stopped being invisible, falling to the floor because her damaged leg wasn't working anymore.
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby altiareagle » Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:12 pm

Ironman wins.
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby crazybirdman » Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:36 pm

I mean a reference in the comics, movies, or TV shows he's been on. I thought that's what we were basing these discussions on. I'm not upset, or trying to flame, but you're saying the laws of physic s exist in comics? Even if Flash can't run at the speed of light, he can run faster than the speed of sound. I would argue that the only reason you see him, is because it wouldn't be an interesting story to read/watch if you didn't see him.

I'm a diehard Marvel fan honestly think Stark would win, but don't count the Flash out so easily.

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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby altiareagle » Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:32 pm

So this has been moved to wonderland croquet...
:twisted: Welcome to my insanity.
Kidding... *Twitches*
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