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Re: there will be no Phineas and Ferb Play set

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:21 pm
by adhdmagazine
Also in the sumo challenge you can use jacks pumpkin bomb and a cherry bomb I'm assuming is a wreck it ralph item as well as you will be able to get the cars from candy rush..king car and venelope's racer..again..look in the toybox catalog and you will discover these items as "unlockable" tho they cannot be unlocked in the vault as ofd yet..I know I emptied the vault last night.

Re: there will be no Phineas and Ferb Play set

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:24 pm
by fdanielix
Those are unlocked on toy box character chests, the waterslide is unlocked by phineas, Confirmed by fellow forum member (Gonmog) who owns SDCC phineas, and i suspect Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. building is unlocked by perry

Re: there will be no Phineas and Ferb Play set

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:29 am
by Skellington0327
It really is a shame that there will be no Phin and Ferb playset, they could do so much with it. I don't even watch the show, but I can only imagine the shennanigans we'd be getting into in the playset, so I hope they make one in the future.

Even though I'm sad about it, I can understand why Frozen won't have a playset. The figures are coming out around the same time the movie is and the playset would probably be spoiler central.

Re: Phineas and Ferb Playset

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:19 am
by Automaton
The complete Disney Infinity game is on the disc that you have in your home right now.
This means that everything you see in the hall of heroes is what you are going to get.
All the characters for this game can be found there, and there will be no more then that. Same goes for the power discs.
As for the playsets, all of them have been announced and are known now as is basically the schedule for this game when the figures, playlets and discs are going to be released.

So there is absolutely no reason to believe that there will be more playlets or figures coming aside from the ones that we know about now. And I don't see how that is a problem? For now we are still a whole bunch of characters short and one playlet plus a whole bunch of power discs. This game should last us for months to come.

Which lets be honest is more then a lot of other games now a days with far less playtime on them.
And compared to its only semi comparable counterpart Skylanders, this game has about as much game time as those previous iterations PLUS. It has the toy box to give you as much extra playtime as you want to give it. (Saying you didn't buy it for the toy box, well to me that's just a bit silly since the whole game is clearly based around the toy box, so if you didn't buy it for that, you bought the wrong game.)

Enoy the game (I know I do) in all it offers as long as it lasts, and then next year I'm sure part two will get you all kinds of new fun and adventure.

Re: there will be no Phineas and Ferb Play set

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:17 pm
by Rich T
Automaton, you summed it all up, perfectly. I'm sure the remaining Toy Box items will be unlocked via character vaults. I'm expecting Toy Story to be the last playset, and that leaves us huge, massive game! I'm glad P&F has fans, 'cause it's a good show, but it's pretty much on its last lap, going the way of Kim Possible (which would be so awesome in this game!) I wouldn't expect more P&F in Infinity 2, but I do hope the sequel has more classic animation...even if it's just one playset than combines multiple movies into a "Golden Age" world. Or a full "DISNEY PARK" playset!

Re: there will be no Phineas and Ferb Play set

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:10 am
by Dangow
^@Automation, you said some good points, but I don't agree with you on all of them. For example - unless you have any official proof of what you just said - I don't see ANY REASONS in why Disney can't just release more Play Sets, figures or power discs than the ones already revealed or showed in the Hall of Heroes. They can simply release a new patch in which will increase the size of the HoH adding the new figures and everything else.

It is soooo much easier for them to just keep doing and updating the game with new content, and still be selling loads of products and getting loads of money, that I don't see any reason AT ALL that it will not happen. And honestly? I hope it does happen. I agree when you say that the game already offers much more content than loads of other games, but this doesn't means that wouldn't be cooler if they keep updating and offering even more. ;) The options are endless, considering the whole Disney world and characters. And again, I do believe they will keep updating it.

Probably there will be a new Disney Infinity some day, but probably for the NEW GEN. While that does not happen, they will probably keep this one for a looong time, full of updates. (Unless you work for them and they confirmed secretly to you that there are no plans to create more of that :P )

Re: there will be no Phineas and Ferb Play set

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:16 am
by ArchuLinShved14
^@Dangow - Good point :)

Re: Phineas and Ferb Playset

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:27 am
by ntnon
A couple of thoughts/queries...

1. A lot of people have been saying "it's all on the disc - there can be nothing more". I see no reason to doubt the first part of that, but I will ask: has anyone seen the WHOLE code? Because it's surely possible that the code could contain timed releases of new statues and floor discs, isn't it?

2. If ALL the to-be-released characters are already in the HoH, and ALL the power discs are already on the floor, then isn't there already a discrepancy - because I thought that the announced discs and floor discs don't match up one for one. Plus there's a phantom Ferb figure that doesn't have a space...

There be no reason to believe more are coming, but there's no reason to doubt it either. If an INFINITE game is released, and within three months there's nothing else to do except wait for ANOTHER big purchase, I don't think a lot of people are going to put up with it. And I hope that that's a positive note for more figures/playsets, and not a negative thought about the iability of the whole thing...

Re: there will be no Phineas and Ferb Play set

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:30 am
by ArchuLinShved14
^@hiller87 - You're right :(