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Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:05 pm
by Melzinoff
WiiU has the most ratio of Players per console of any console. 7,9% of WiiU players have Disney Infinity 3.0. It's huge, i don't think they will drop the WiiU after a while,

it's one of main consoles after all, even if it seems a bit behind, the WiiU will stay as long as the PS3 and Xbox 360 are there too.
And since the Xbox 360 is the most successful one and that PS3 and 360 will stay for a while (seeing how difficult it still is for a lot of people to convert to next-gen),

I don't believe the WiiU will get the same treatment for 3.0 at least.

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:08 pm
by Supreme Leader Snoke
The December release happened on exactly 10 ET on the 17th, I remember because I waited to download it. Apple is pretty good with the updates, and if one was scheduled for Disney Infinity on the 15th, it would have happened.

The Apple TV is on part with the Wii U, spec wise, so it seems stupid for Disney to "not be able to handle it" when actually it seems like they are just trying to get people to buy another console (probably they are getting kickbacks from Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony saying the Apple TV is cutting into their profits).

Bottomline: Regardless of which console you choose, you're still buying the figures. Dropping Apple TV support just means they are hurting their own sales of figures. Plus it's a fact (a study was done about this) that people that buy Apple stuff are more willing to buy other software. Meaning there is a good chance Apple TV owners would buy every single 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 figure as they come out; whereas other console owners might not be so willing to do that. So Disney really is shooting themselves in the foot by killing support for the Apple TV.

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:30 pm
by Romulus77
Kickbacks? Let's not get into conspiracy theories.

I believe it was probably just a simple case of not enough sales of the Starter Pack.

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:14 am
by Infinirama
Wonder if that would change once the AppleTV Starter Pack goes live on Amazon in April.

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:08 pm
by mirgare
Saying apple tv is just as powerful as the wii u isn't saying much. As the wii u has worse hare are than the ps3 and 360... which came out a decade ago. I'd like to see 360 wii u and ps3 dropped so that we can get a true next generation (current Gen now as next Gen has been out for over 3 years) version of disney infinity. The older consoles are just holding the whole game back

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:06 pm
by rogueprince718
Why does everyone talk about the Wii U like it's not part of the current gen? Because it is, y'know. The last gen was Wii, PS3, and Xbox360, current gen is Wii U, PS4, XBox1. I know it doesn't have the hardware of the other two, but it is a current gen system, and as a longtime Nintendo user, I'd be pretty upset if Disney suddenly dropped support for the Wii U edition, as would a LOT of people. There's a great deal more people playing on Wii U than on Apple TV, I can guarantee you that.

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:37 pm
by No.1 Pooh Bear Fan
Agreed. You think people are upset over support for the PC, iOS, and Apple TV getting dropped? Dropping the Wii U (or the PS3 and 360 for that matter) would be a downright suicidal decision for Infinity.

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:48 pm
by CCRunner524
I cant see support for WiiU, PS3 or 360 after 3.0.

Re: PC Support Dropped

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:30 am
by shades_smiley
They will not drop support for WiiU until there is another Nintendo console to replace it. And even then, they will likely release one version of the game for both to accommodate the transition. So, whenever 4.0 happens it COULD be on the new Nintendo console, but will also be on WiiU. WiiU will not be dropped until 5.0. If I'm wrong, I'll buy ice cream for everyone on the forums. :)