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Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:00 am
by AceSoloMcCloud
I'm far more likely to listen to the advice of other parents if I know they're similar lifestyle to mine.

The biggest problem with my girls (besides the squabbling, not sharing, etc.) is bedtime, they're 4 and almost 2, they share a room.
On the rare occasion they have a bath, brush teeth, have a bedtime story and actually pass out at 7 or 8pm, it's about the same occurrence as a blue moon, despite our best efforts to wear them out, they can still be bouncing around (literally) their room until 10pm, sometimes I fall asleep before they do, much to the Mrs irritation.

We're very strict on their diet, water, milk, if juice it's watered down quite a bit, healthy kids snacks, cereal (Cheerios) for breakfast, none of this Chocolate for breakfast. Healthy sandwiches and various meals, although they can be very picky, fish fingers and nuggets go down well, we visit "M" once a month as a treat, unless collecting toys, then Grandma takes them more often. My mum is a godsend, if she didn't look after them Monday night so Mrs and I can catch a movie, have a non-kid evening (unless there's nothing worth seeing at the Cinema, or they've destroyed the house more than usual), to just relax, we'd have gone crazy months ago.

Eldest is the weirdest.... Never have I seen her lay in her bed normally, always upside down, flopped over the bottom of the bed, knee deep in soft cuddly toys, or flopped, limbs everywhere like after a hard night out. She's totally crazy, if we could bottle her energy, it could power whole cities for decades.

Please.... GO TO SLEEP, mummy and daddy would like to relax, eat, clean up and go to bed ourselves.

Ok... as I'm writing this on my smartphone, she's pretending to be a kitty and licking my hand, she's crazy for Cats.

Disney Infinity, do an Aristcats playset, she'll love it.

At 7 am eldest comes bouncing in, sometimes earlier, the second there's sunlight sometimes.

At night, she's talking, coming back out for more hugs and kisses or got something monumental she just has to tell us, probably that her toy kitties won't stand up perfectly on her bed.

Seriously, this girl just doesn't know how to switch off, which I don't understand, I've always wound down and fallen asleep, if I don't then I pass out, it takes quite a hit of caffeine to see me through the night, but then I've lived on cola my whole life (I've not let them touch a drop and doubt I ever will, they're non-stop naturally).

I never had this much energy as a kid, I sat on the landing playing with Mask toys and Starcom, always in my own world, fairly quiet apart from the odd explosion imitation, never under foot, never constantly going on and on, I was an only child though.

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:46 am
by Sheriff Woody
how old are your girls? do they share the same bedroom?

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:08 pm
by Wayworn
My son is the same way and even though his bed time is 7, he usually does not fall asleep until after 10 too. Wonder when the girls wake up and if it would help to wake them up earlier in the morning

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:29 pm
by AceSoloMcCloud
^Updated OP.
They're in their room, talking away, eldest is breathing in her hands.... I think they're having a "cheeky noise" contest... I hear giggling. Still at least eldest is staying in their room.

They've been playing at home, outside, at the playground, been round the supermarket today.... I'M tired and ready to sleep, yet they're like the energiser bunny.

Have to keep telling to stay in her bed and to keep the noise down.

Just keep telling myself, when she's a teenage, revenge will be so sweet, giving her the early morning bugle to wake up to.

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:16 pm
by Sheriff Woody
do your daughters still have naps during the day?

i have 2 sons, 6 and 4 ... the 4 year old has more energy than a duracell bunny on steroids!!!

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:22 am
by paulyp1919
How dark is the room?

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:11 am
by AceSoloMcCloud
As Dark as possible, we have a dark blind up on their window, this stops it being bright in there, especially around the start of summer, when its so bright all the time.

Eldest does insist on a nightlight or two, we have them on the lowest brightness.

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:26 pm
by Adscan
I used to have a similar problem with my son but then I discovered Chloroform. ;)

Re: Gaming Parents Advice: Bedtime

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:10 pm
by Weeksy