Disney Infinity is Here. *Please Read and Share*

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Disney Infinity is Here. *Please Read and Share*

Postby DizExplorer03 » Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:20 am

As you all may know, the title of this topic was inspired by a quote from Disney's animated film Big Hero 6. The reason why is because that I had some similarities with some of the characters from that film due to recent events of Disney Infinity's cancellation. For the past couple of days, I have been having very horrible thoughts lately and been gradually become a different person. A person that I personally would not expect to become. A being who would blame the people at Disney for what they had done and vowed to right that wrong by being horrible back at them. As an artist, I tend to draw to how I feel and believe me or not, I have been sketching up ideas for artworks for the #SaveDisneyInfinity campaign, but they were all negative, whether they were sad or frustrated. I planned to post negative artwork towards Disney and have them face with many heartbroken families and fans like myself. Just like Hiro Harmada, I had lost something very close to my heart and once I knew who was responsible for it, I vowed to get back at them and have them learn from their mistake.

Luckily, with every Hiro, there's always a Baymax. Bridget, a good friend of mine, knew what I was going through and had stop me from making a huge mistake that could possibly change my future for the worse. "How do you feel when you've seen an artist, or anyone for that matter, showing Mickey or Peter Pan crushing peoples dreams or being inconsiderate?" she said to me. Of course, my answer would be that that would be very heartbreaking and sad to everyone. Disney would not want to see characters that they created crushing people's dreams and I would not like it at all to see my two favorite Disney characters do something so horrible. Even Walt Disney would not be pleased by that. She even warned me that if I did go through with posting those cruel artwork all over the web towards Disney and have their fans go up against them, I could not only possibly backfire on all the hard work we made on the #SaveDisneyInfinity campaign and have Bob Iger not consider selling the license to another company to continue it, but I would also jeopardized my chances of hopefully working for Disney or for any other company in the future. Working for Disney as an artist/animator has been a dream of mine and It would be very painful to have my actions be the reason why I can't work there. Also, the Infinity team would not be pleased as well to see all of their hard work be tainted with such negativity and cruelty. In the film Big Hero 6, Hiro had a choice to make. He can either destroy the villain that was responsible for the death of a loved one, become that person and ruin the rest of his life, or celebrate the memories and honor of that loved one and make the future a better place for all? Those were the options that I was given. Luckily, with some help, I knew what I had to do. Instead of creating negative art piece towards Disney, I have decided to scrap them and change them to a positive and hopeful look on the situation. It may or may not do anything in our campaign, but it will definitely show the Infinity team and the Disney company that we truly do care about the franchise.

So in conclusion. I have a certain phrase that I want you all to remember. "Disney Infinity is here." We still have the game, the figures, the power discs, the toy boxes and most importantly all of the wonderful friends and memories that we made in our community. One of the best moments of my life would have not happened if it weren't for Disney Infinity, like going to Toy Box Summit, visiting Walt Disney's apartment inside Disneyland and becoming an ambassador to represent the community. I would never change or throw away those moments for anything and will treasure them always and I encourage you all to do the same. Thank not only the team behind the game, but also to your friends and your favorite toy box artists as well for being there for the amazing journey. Speaking of thanks, I would like to personally thank my dear friend Bridget for helping me get back on the right track and having me think more positive. It's just like what Mama Odie from The Princess and the Frog said, "When you find out who are, you'll find out what you need." For myself, I may not have gotten Peter Pan like I always wanted, but I've gotten what I needed; wonderful new friends, a one of a kind game that I know that I will still keep playing and will share with my children in the future, and of course a Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey figure LOL. I recommend we all do the same and keep this wonderful community alive and keep moving forward. As Hiro and Tadashi would say, "I am satisfied with my care."

Thank you for reading.
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Re: Disney Infinity is Here. *Please Read and Share*

Postby Zmillfarmer » Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:26 pm

Thank you for sharing this.


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Re: Disney Infinity is Here. *Please Read and Share*

Postby goofyspaceranger » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:11 am

Agreed, good post, thank you @DizExplorer03

And although Disney Infinity is more than just a game for many of us on these forums, it's important to remember that there was still a business behind the product. When sales miss expectations for multiple quarters, that adversely affects a company overall. The cancellation statement included the acknowledgement that Infinity is a great product. I see no sign that it was stopped out of spite or ignorance or greed - I see it as protecting the value of their brand for all of the other Disney magic.

It may be that a transition to a separate licenser is already in the works, or that the online petition interest will help drive it. Disney Infinity as a product, particularly the Toy Box engine, is in a much different place than it was at its initial release. With so many building toys, so many themes, & so many characters, the support of this community can present an alternative, viable, business model. The only risk in hope is the potential of failure - but if we choose not to hope, failure is guaranteed. I'll risk to hope in the long shot - it's worth it ;).
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