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The #savedisneyinfinity social media strategy thread

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 5:35 am
by Letthewookiewin
Figured this could use its own thread. I've seen some very diligent, committed, members of the community pushing the #savedisneyinfinity campaign on Twitter. To those who are, I commend you and thank you for taking charge. Thought it would be nice to have a space where we can gameplan so we have a coordinated effort that we can then disperse.

Maybe have everyone commit to tweeting one original tweet to JohnV and thanking him for his hard work every day. Tweeting publishers like EA, Square Enix and Ubisoft who have money every day. Tweeting studio gobo and ninja theory to push for licensing to release Moana and Rogue One every day. I think if we make sure we target specific entities consistently it may help.

I'm just spitballing though. I'll leave it up to the folks who are killing it on Twitter. Again, my hat's off to all of you.