Relative Sales to First Infinity

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Relative Sales to First Infinity

Postby Bill the Lizard » Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:37 pm

Not sure if this is the best place to post this but does anyone know how sales on 2.0 have compared to the numbers for the first infinity? It seems that there were at least sporadic announcements on sales levels with the first Infinity but I haven't seen anything. A quick google search didn't find me anything about it. It seems like there are a lot more deals on things than there were last year during this time, and it is on everything. It seems like power discs are on sale every other week at TRU for B1G1, and now they are just leaving them on sale until after Christmas along with figs? It makes me wonder if they overestimated the amount of growth and stores bought too much, or if sales are down perhaps. Or maybe I am totally wrong. Does anyone have numbers?
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Re: Relative Sales to First Infinity

Postby BlackWidow » Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:40 pm

I've noticed that as well. Haven't really been any big announcements or info on that front.

Anecdotally, the Marvel stuff is gathering dust on the shelves anywhere I have seen. I've been assuming that's why so little Disney Originals 2.0 stuff has made it out on to the shelves. I've seen some stores where they have shoved it in where they can, and I know of at least one place that told me they only put out a few characters from 2.0 because they didn't have the room for all of them because all the Marvel stuff is just sitting there.

While I understand why the Wii was left out this time, I wonder what kind of effect that had as the bestselling version of 1.0 was the Wii version.
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