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Older cartoons you like

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:05 pm
by buckmana
Another random idea I had.

What are some older cartoon series and/or movies you like?

I'm not sure if most of you are old enough to remember these cartoons.
Heck, I was 8 years old when I saw them for the first time and I think I was seeing the repeat showing, so that gives away how old they are! :lol:

Transformers original series (also known as Transformers G1 or Generation1).

I've got the first two as DVD sets.
I'm still looking for the last two as dvds.

Re: Older cartoons you like

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:41 am
by packetloss
Transformers Generation1 - That's funny - I guess they made new series after that completed ?
Yes I have them on DVD as well.

Here is a few of my favorites from that era:

- By far my favorite TV anime/cartoon ever produced

G.I. Joe
- Real American Hero - Go JOE!
- ... _TV_series)

- thunder Thunder THUNDER CATS Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

- Lion Force Voltron (Voltron of the Far Universe)

Can you tell when I grew up :)

Re: Older cartoons you like

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:57 am
by buckmana
Yes, they did make more Transformers series after that, hence why the original series was dubbed G1, to indicate it was the first.

But since the only other Transformers series I've seen is the japan only subset, I can't say what the other series were like.
Those were stories created by the Japan animation division of Transformers solely for their own country, as opposed to the one we saw, which was intended for international audiences.
if you're not a fan of Japanese Anime DO NOT watch the subset Transformers episodes!
I won't break it down completely, but suffice it to say, they're not as good as the international one.

For the sake of accuracy, I suppose I should count Bionic Six as well, but I didn't see that until the mid-late 90s.
It's dated from 1987 though, so it still counts.

The ones I saw most were:
Battle of the Planets

The Wizard of Oz animated series.
I particularly remember Dorothy having a great deal of difficulty keeping Ozma (the young princess who ruled Oz) out of trouble. Suffice it to say she'd do lots of crazy things with her magical power without thinking about whether or not it was safe to do so. For example, bringing a large origami bird to life just because she wanted to go flying.
And when I say large, I mean it, she made it out of a piece of paper that covered the entire courtyard.
It took both her and Dorothy to fold it over.

I vaguely remember Thundercats and Robotech.

But I'm not actively seeking those shows on DVD.
I'm having enough trouble finding Sun Beneath the Sea and Robostory.
I acquired the Cities of Gold DVD set a couple of years back, but so far, it's the only one (aside from Transformers) that has been transferred to a DVD format.

Maybe if the those two and Bionic Six got transferred to DVD, I'd start searching for the others.