by Platinum-Guardian » Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:30 pm
I really like how the Zootopia Figures look and I'm just whatever with mickey's costume disc (Though it could result in another Author's Saving Throw.)
What I want to know is which set of figures will unlock the Keyblade? Star Wars or Originals? We all remember in 2.0, one gave us Luke's vehicle and the other gave us basically nothing, I just want to prepare myself for which ones are necessary and which ones are optional because that Keyblade is now top priority!
UPDATE: It's EVERY. SINGLE. FIGURE. IN 3.0! I no longer want the Keyblade, because getting all of them will take forever! There's 37 figures and 25 more on the way, I'm NOT doing all that! 7.0 will probably come out by the time I get all of them! My dream of having a Keyblade in the game died before it could even began!