Hey guys, just so you know.. I also have an artsy side so I'll be posting sketches or Character shots and sometimes i take requests Will be Updated every now and then
EDIT- Trying to get it up right now, but currently taking requests!! EDIT Its up! Name-Endermans Collection Inspiration-Minecrafts Enderman Fun fact- I added a few no MC things in the picture, try to name some! http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/315/4/4/enderman_s_collection_by_herobrine84-d86396q.jpg Post requests and I'll try to get some good pictures up! please keep it clean though
I doubt anybody will see this, but here it is, drew it for fun because nobody replied http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/315/f/0/insecticons_by_herobrine84-d863q9e.jpg These are Transformers BTW For those who don't know who these guys are, the Insecticons are a Sup-group of Decepticons (Villans) who Transform into Insects- Shrapnel- Stag Beetle, Kick-back- Grasshopper, and Bombshell- Dung beetle Until next time- PEACE OUT