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Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:50 am
by buckmana
Thank you for the compliment Altaireagle.

Here's an idea I've been kicking around for a while and finally got around to making.

The title of this piece is 2 Bonnies.
An alternate title is Kim's Worst Nightmare. ;)

To explain the concept, Lilo&Stitch has a character named Bonnie, so I thought it would be funny if Kim met her and have the reaction shown in the images.

My latest composition:
Just a random idea I had because Violet and Vanellope's names both start with V.

I was surprised at the height difference though, given that Violet is only a year older then Vanellope.
Although you can't see it, I intended to have Violet resting her hand on Vanellope's back.
But because Vanellope is so much shorter, Violet can only reach her head! :lol:

It's interesting to note that Violet and Vanellope both wear something to pull their hair back (a headband and whatever it is that Vanellope is wearing).
They have a lot in common already, it makes me wonder if the similiarites are accidental or intentional.

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 4:40 am
by KyletheCartoonist
"The title of this piece is 2 Bonnies.
An alternate title is Kim's Worst Nightmare."

Psh, you should have gone with the title Photobucket gave it: "2Bonnies01 t_zpsfb165bdf.jpg"
Now that is a catchy title! :lol:
But seriously, great job as always!

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:05 am
by buckmana
Thanks Kyle.

I'm not sure what is up with Photobucket these days.
It always adds some weird hexadecimal code to the end of the file when I upload it.
In the past, the filename was exactly the same as the one I uploaded.

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:16 am
by KyletheCartoonist
Yeah, well, what can you do?
If I could make a suggestion, you could try DeviantART, but only if the title remaining the same is really important to you.

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:36 pm
by Infinite Mickey
I can sculpt, I just can't draw to save my life though.

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:13 am
by altiareagle
You'd get a lot more audience and viewers on DeviantArt too due to the ever so addicting "More Like Insert Character Name" feature.
Its also pretty convenient and loved for artists of all types since you'd have easier access to people requesting artwork or commissions which could hone your skills. (But an artist of your skill wouldn't need it all that much.)

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:21 pm
by buckmana
After that Russian guy (note: he wasn't really Russian, he was faking it) incident (he was stealing every artwork not nailed down and reposting it as his own), I don't trust DeviantArt much anymore.

I did get some advice from a user about watermarking images in case someone tries to steal it, so I've learned a new trick to protect my creations should someone try to steal them.

However, I'm still on the fence about using DeviantArt for one reason.

But I'll put that in a spoiler box, since you may not want to know.
Only click on it if you're an adult and can understand the context.
I'll keep it as clean/vague as possible though, per the rules of the forum.

DeviantArt concern
While looking around DeviantArt to see if there were any groups I might want to contribute art to, I started to notice there were inappropriate images. As in, not kid friendly images, if you catch my drift.

After having a looksee, I started to wonder if DeviantArt is really the hosting service to me.
Suffice it to say, the stuff I saw, I'm not sure I'd want to occupy the same album as my G rated fanart.

I'm not really sure about taking commissions.
The last commission I took didn't turn out very well, so the idea of doing it regularly or many times doesn't seem like a good idea.
And I only agreed to it as a favor to a forum member on a forum I use heavily (it's a Kim Possible fan forum).

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:24 pm
by Infinite Mickey
I would say Flickr because it has a filter option and is extremely popular,.

Re: buckmana's little art corner (Graphics intensive)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:55 pm
by SugarGuyWrecker
I just went onto and found out if your pictures make the site's home page, if your pictures are filled with spoilers about movies, they could potentially spoil movies for others. that's not safe either.