Here's an idea I've been kicking around for a while and finally got around to making.
The title of this piece is 2 Bonnies.
An alternate title is Kim's Worst Nightmare.
To explain the concept, Lilo&Stitch has a character named Bonnie, so I thought it would be funny if Kim met her and have the reaction shown in the images.
My latest composition:
Just a random idea I had because Violet and Vanellope's names both start with V.
I was surprised at the height difference though, given that Violet is only a year older then Vanellope.
Although you can't see it, I intended to have Violet resting her hand on Vanellope's back.
But because Vanellope is so much shorter, Violet can only reach her head!

It's interesting to note that Violet and Vanellope both wear something to pull their hair back (a headband and whatever it is that Vanellope is wearing).
They have a lot in common already, it makes me wonder if the similiarites are accidental or intentional.