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Inventory Manager

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:56 am
by jkhouw1
Inventory Manager

Description The inventory manager limits the items that are available in the Editor Ribbon (the toy selection ribbon). This can be used to allow the player(s) to place toys in your toybox, but limit them as to the type of toy they may place. Once Activated, ONLY toys you added in the Set Inventory will be available to players until it is Deactivated.

Properties None

Set Inventory This is where you set the objects that will be available to the player.
Click the Plus sign to add items. Once Items have been added, select them in the list and change the Quantity to what ever number you want from 0 - INF where INF is NOT infinite but rather 9999. You can add any toy you have unlocked that is available to you in your ribbon here.

Activate Activates the Inventory Manager. Once active any player who brings up (or is forced to bring up using the Editor Manager) the Editor Ribbon, will only see toys that were added via the Set Inventory
Deactivate Deactivates the Inventory Manager. Once deactivated, if the Editor Ribbon is displayed, all toys that player has unlocked will be available to them.
Reset Resets the count of items the players have. (ie if you gave them 5 Mines to start, they placed 3, if you Reset they will have their full compliment of 5 again)

Activated Fires event when the Inventory Manager is Activated
Deactivated Fires event when the Inventory Manager is Deactivated
Reset Fires event when the Inventory Manager is Reset

you want the player to be able to plant mines

Place Trigger Area, Editor Manager, Inventory Manager, Text Creator
Inventory Manager:Set Inventory == Add some mines and set their count to a non-zero number
Text Creator:Text 1 == "Place your mines"
Trigger Area:Entered:Player:Any ==>Inventory Manager:Activate
Trigger Area:Entered:Player:Any ==> Text Creator:Display Text 1
Text Creator:Specific Line Dismissed:Text Line 1 ==>Editor Manager:Open Editor

When the player enters the trigger area, they will ONLY be able to place the mines you gave them.

* Normally in an Economy, it costs money to both purchase AND place an object. If you are using the Money Manager and Storefront tools, any time the player places an object you gave them to start with, their remaining money will decrease by the amount that item cost is set to in the Storefront. HOWEVER, when (if) they run out of money, they will continue to be able to place the objects initially given to them at no further cost (their money will not go negative).
* it is not a requirement to use the money manager and/or storefront with the Inventory Manager, although your options for re-populating their inventory will be limited to either items you can get from Loot (orbs, collectibles, and some side kick stuff) or resetting the Inventory manager and giving them everything they start with again.

So if you don't want the hassle of the storefront and money manager, you could have sections on your levels where everytime they reach that section, their supplies get fully restocked by resetting the Inventory Manager.

* The inventory is SHARED across all players. If player 1 has 900 Street Lamps, so does player 2. If either of them place one, there are only 899 remaining. The same is true of CURRENCY.

Re: Inventory Manager

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:35 am
by pjhaan