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DI 2.0 | Quorra - Day-One Impressions

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:11 am
by PolishTamales
Quorra's awesome.

It's really unfortunate that her voice isn't even in the game. I'm not sure if it's contracts with the VO or not, but there are no sound clips other than special effects for Quorra.

Anyway, I'd say Quorra is primarily a heavy DPS melee character with some unique moves that can be canceled into one another. Most of her moves have low start up frames and recovery, so she can go all out ham. Her guard crush can end with a ground stomp and all her melee hits inflict a special stun status that lasts a bit longer than usual. Her range attack isn't very impressive at the moment where it does remind me more of Anna.

Quorra's mobility options are nice, although she doesn't not get a 2nd speed boost. Her jump upgrade is equivalent of Black Widow's and yes, she web slings.

Her special acts similar to Jinx's (League of Legends fame) passive traits where she gets a major speed boost and increased damage output for a short period of time. It lasts for about 5 seconds without upgrades, but it's effects are very noticeable. Definitely very useful given how good her regular melee moves already are. At the start of the animation, she does swing at enemy NPCs, but due to such short start-up and recovery frames, you do not get long periods of invincibility, such as Jasmine or Iron Man especially. So once you pop it, you can basically go full button mash if you want and hope the auto-target keeps up when you're dealing with crowds.

Quorra can still get knocked down, damaged and stunned during her special, so it's not quite God-Mode.

I've gotten Quorra up to level 10 today, so the struggle is real for exping on iOS devices. I'll update more once I get further along around lv.17, but yes, it sucks we won't be seeing these anytime soon on consoles.

Re: DI 2.0 | Quorra - Day-One Impressions

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:42 am
by Elmo STM
Have you tried the 2 tron discs yet? Would be cool to see in action

Re: DI 2.0 | Quorra - Day-One Impressions

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:56 am
by PolishTamales
NOPE! LOL I rarely ever use tools in-game and I'm in no rush for digital only items that are locked out in most modes of the game. Unless Disney Interactive decides to remove those restrictions, I don't place high priority purchases on items.

Re: DI 2.0 | Quorra - Day-One Impressions

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:07 am
by braiko
Ahh you bought her! what about the #savetron boycott etc :P

I'll give her a try when they release her in plastic.